Lectures Can Be Ignored

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 Dad and I were finally getting ready to test drive. I dreaded the talk that I knew he would start as soon as we got in the vehicle. After he see's my aggravation, he'll say, "I love you; it's my job to make sure that you're okay. Every day of your natural-born life, I'll be here to worry about you. No matter what." 

Yep, he says that same speech, Every. Single. Time. It never changes. Though, of course, me, being the amazing daughter that I am, ignore it. Every. Single. Time. Its simply a way of life. Everyone does it at some point. Despite his clear over-protectiveness, I do still love my dad. No matter what.

We got in the car and my hand immediately dove for the volume dial. Dad clearly rolled his eyes. Sorry! It's what I do. Aside from just going for a ride, it's a type of therapy for me. 

First, I'll sit quietly, listening  to the radio; only to have my thoughts attack me. Then, the speed of the vehicle will pick up, starting to blow away my problems with stray strands of hair. My brain is ridden of the bad thoughts; i'm happy. Next, the car is going 100 MPH, I can feel the hair, the stinging as it hits my face, but I couldn't care less. This is where my worries go, stranded upon miles and miles of endless roadways. 

I wish this moment would never end. Before I could revel in the idea of nothingness, my dad starts his lecture. 

"Honey, I know you don't like school, I didn't either. The thing is you have to go; just a little while longer. I know that I can't make you want to go to school, but I can bribe you into it. My friend Johnny, that works at the music store in town, offered to help you learn guitar. I t would be easier on you in LA if you at least had some sort of a start. I know that you wont stay will me, even if I want you to, so the best I can do is try to help you have an okay future."

Now i'm glad I didn't ignore him this time, i'd hug him if I could, but he's driving.

"Thank you so much dad! I promise I'll try to push through these last two years, good grades and all."

"You better, you're welcome." 

Now I know that I don't have to be alone, and people want to help. I can't wait to start working on the rest of my future.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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