Chapter 9

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The following day (Saturday).
Beni and Sofi are out shopping as they didn't have anything else to do at home and were both getting bored.

Beni's Point Of View:

"Sofi is this place similar to the place you came from?" I asked Sofi as we didn't have anything else to talk about.
"I think Seoul is definantly more of a bigger place than Busan. As for beauty I can't really choose, both are nice in their own ways!" Replied Sofi as we walked past a park full of kids playing football.

"What about you, do you like Korea?" She asked me in return.
As soon as she asked me a thought came to my head. A random and inappropriate thought. Why was I thinking about redhead right now?! If he wants to ignore me he can.
"Well go on!" She asked me again interrupting my thoughts.

"It certainly is a beautiful place, but the people here can be very let's say unreasonable!" I said with the thought of redhead who was ignoring me for no reason but as for me I didn't care.

"What do you mean by that?!" She asked me to elaborate.
"Well, urmm Sofi look a clothes shop!" I pointed at a shop an ran towards it hoping it would cause a distraction so I wouldn't have to answer that question. And she got tricked easily. My brothers love to play pranks on Sofi she is such an easy target.

We went into the shop and started to look around. This didn't interest me a single bit, but it wouldn't hurt to look around right?
Sofi kept on calling me over to show a particular shirt or jeans that were in fashion. I occasionally agreed with her on some things which were nice and which were not so attractive.
Sofi ended up buying a few shirts and a pair of black skinny jeans.
We came out of the shop and started to walk again.

We went and sat on the bench of a park. It wasn't very peaceful though since kids were there, some playing while others crying and fighting. Oh I just remembered I got to take my brothers to the park tomorrow as promised.

"Beni, do you think this shirt is abit too bright?" Sofi asked me while examining the clothes she bought.
"Urmm it's all right, it would make you stand out but since you liked it in the shop it should be nice!" I replied while glancing at the shirt.
"Beni, if you have this little interest in clothes and shopping who buys your clothes for you?" She asked me angrily for my lack of attention.
"Mum does" I replied simple. And before Sofi could ask more a kid shouted at us to pass them their ball back as they kicked too far and it came rolling to my feet.
I got up and passed it back to the kid.

"Sofi, shall we get going now!?" I asked her.
"Yeah sure" she replied while getting up and holding her shopping bags.

We both started to walk side by side, and we decided to take the long way home so we would have more time to catch up with each other.

"Beni, you go ahead, I have something to do!" Said Sofi while giving me her shopping bags.
"What? Where are you going? It's getting dark..." I started but she had already walked off and I saw her enter a mobile shop.

I figured she would take a while so I didn't wait and went ahead. The sun was setting now slowly and beautifully. The sky has turned an orange colour. I really wanted to watch this scene from a better view. So I found a bench which had perfect view and I sat there watching the sunset. I have seen a few sunsets but I haven't a really seen any sunrise maybe because I always wake up late I hate waking up in the morning.
Without realising I fell asleep on the bench. It was just so peaceful my eyes wouldn't open.

I heard some voices behind me, which made me wake up from my deep sleep. I checked the time and realised I had slept here for 2 and a half hours. I got up shocked grabbed the bags and started to walk fast towards my house. Because we took the long way before it would take me about half an hour to get home.

I could still hear the voices that I heard before that made me wake up. No matter how fast I walked they wouldn't go away. I stopped for a second to digest what was happening right now. And as per my suspicion about 3 to 4 guys seemed like they were following me. It was more scarier because at this time of night there was no-one else in the streets. I followed my instincts and started to run, they realised I had found out and they all ran behind me.

Pretty soon they caught up with me, and one of them came in front of me so I stopped running.
'What do I do? What do I do?' I thought over and over again while they got closer to me.
"HELP!...HELP!" I started to scream even though there was no-one else here. I was so scared at this point that I started to shake and tremble.

I suddenly felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me towards itself. The hand went on my waist and another hand on the head. It felt like a protective hug. I didn't move an inch.

"It's him, what's he doing here?" I heard the same voices ask each other.
"Whatever it is we better go!" And with that I heard them guys run away.
'Wow who is he? Why were they so scared of him' I thought while he still had me in the same hug position. I felt him hug me tighter like in a relieved way. I decided to hug him back since he saved my life, so I put my arms around his waist.

We let go after a while. I looked at his face to see who it was but it was very dark right now. So as we got closer to a street lamp I looked at him again.
"YOU! did you..." I started in surprise.
"How did you find me?" I asked, but he didn't reply.
"Why are you here at such time in the night?" He asked me back without replying to me.
"Well I...I asked first so you answer first!" I demanded.
"Okay fine, I got a call from your parents saying you weren't at home yet and if you were with I decided to look for you, I heard your scream and found you!" Replied Jinyoung.
"Oh so you suddenly care now?" I asked while trying to snatch my bags off him but he moved them away from me.
"Give me back my bags, don't act like you care after ignoring me for no reason." I said while giving up on retrieving my bags.

"I actually don't care much, I only came because your parents were worried!" He replied harshly.

"Well you have found me now so go back home..." I started but he interrupted me,
"Not until I walk you home safely, anything could have happened right then and there are you stupid in the head Beni!" I could feel Jinyoung's anger levels rising, "and then what would I have done if anything was to happen to you!" He said as he turned red.
'Has he turned red because he is angry or because he is shy?' I thought to myself while looking straight at him for a while.

He clicked his fingers in front of my face so that I could snap out of it.
'What was I looking at? I don't even know myself!' I thought to myself.
He started to walk on but I didn't want to follow him. He soon realised I wasn't walking behind him. So he came back grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him.

Jinyoung's Point of view:

'Why is she like this, why doesn't she feel awkward around me like I do? The only reason am ignoring her is maybe because she doesn't like me the way I like her, or maybe my feelings could be wrong it could just be a feeling of friendship and I may be trying to force it the other way' in all these thoughts I forgot that I was still holding her wrist until she told me.

"Why are you holding my wrist tighter, I am following you now, you can let go now it hurts." She said complaining behind me. I immediately let go of her wrist and she followed me by herself.

"Redhead, yahh~~ Jinyoung..." She called me from behind but I decided not to listen.
"Jinyoung!!!" She said louder and I finally gave in.
"What is it!" I asked.
"Where is your bike? Am really very tired my legs hurt I walked so much today..." She said while I saw her eyes twinkle in the moonlight.

"Urmm the's urmm it broke so it' the garage!" I lied. In reality it was parked on the street next to where I found Beni trapped. Oh you ask why I lied. Well because I want to spend some time with her, the past few days I wasn't able to because of my confused self.

"Jinyoung, you my friend are a bad lier!" She said while smiling and she walked ahead of me.

"You could use a bit of practice in lying from my brothers they are pros at it..." She said while still walking a few steps ahead of me.
I kept quiet, I just wanted to hear her talk making random points until it got to a point where I couldn't ignore her anymore as she asked me that one question....

Beni's point of view:

"You could use a bit of practice in lying from my brothers they are pros at it..." I said to him in a cheeky tone but I still didn't get a reply from him.
'Urgh how long will he keep this ignoring business up for I thought to myself as I was running out of conversations.

"You know the other day I was just thinking and a thought came across my head, basically I have seen your dad around and I have met him too but what about your mum you never mentioned her..." This time I asked a more thoughtful question. As I walked on I couldn't hear Jinyoung's footsteps anymore so I stopped and turned around. He was rooted to the spot, he wouldn't move. I walked back to him.

"Heyyy, what's up?!" I asked softly.
"Oh uh nothing it's nothing lets go!" He ordered me to move,how mean, but atleast he spoke.

From that point he would occasionally respond to my questions with a slight nod or by saying "yes" or "no, not really".

Pretty soon we reached my house. He stood at the doorstep but he wouldn't come in. Therefore I didn't force him that much and just went in.
I quickly ran to my bedroom and looked outside my window. I saw him standing by the road.
He stood there for a while, until a red bike came. There was a guy riding Redhead's bike. I tried to look closely at who it was and indeed it was a familiar face.
'Why is Kris riding Jinyoung's bike, so he came to give it to him but how do they know each other!" I thought to myself while Kris gave Jinyoung a helmet and they drove off.

Later that evening after my parents had questioned me and all of course, and in the middle of the interrogation Jinyoung called my dad and he apparently told him how it wasn't my fault for what happened today, my parents went a little soft on me.

I lay on my bed trying to fall asleep but then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in..." I shouted since I was too lazy to open the door myself.
The creaked open and in came Sofi.

"Hey Beni, can I sleep here? I feel uncomfortable in my room you know because it's new and all!!" She said while walking in with a pink pillow and matching blanket.

"Sure come" I replied with a smile. I moved to the left side of my bed so Sofi could sleep next to me on the right side.

"Sofi where did you go today after we separated?!" I asked her once she had settled down properly.

"Oh well urm I should ask you the same question!" She said cheekily.

"Yeah but I asked first so you answer first!" I insisted.

"Okay fine, I went to a phone shop!" She said after a bit.

"Oh to do what? Don't you already have a phone?!" I asked again.

"Yeah I do have a phone but I went to look for a phone for someone else!" She carried on, "you know Kris? The guy from the other day?" She asked me as I nodded in response.
"Well remember that day his phone broke because of me! So I decided to buy him a new one."

"But how will you give it to him, you don't even know him properly" I asked curiously.

"Oh turns out he is in the same school as me, I just didn't notice him and we are in the same classes."

"From the tone of your voice it seems like something special happened today, go on tell me fully!" I insisted.

"Okay okay fine so what happened after you left was that we started to talk and I realised we went to the same school" she replied with a huge smile on her face.


Sofi's Point Of View:

"That means we will see each other more often!" I said happily.
"Yepp we sure will!" He replied.

We were about to cross the road when suddenly Kris came in front of me and kind of Hugged me. I was so shocked at first, why did he just do that. It took me a moment to realise what Kris had actually done.
What happened was a bus was going past us and it would have splashed puddle water on me which was on the road and I would have been dripping wet if it wasn't for Kris.
But now his back was all dripping wet. I could see his skin from underneath his white wet shirt.

"Kris, what the..." I started shocked but he cut my sentence.

"It doesn't matter, don't worry it will dry soon!" He said calmly.

"How will it dry it's so cold today" I pointed out but he smiled and crossed the road urging me to follow.
"It's fine don't worry!" He said again as we reached our school.

I could tell we were late as no-one was to be seen around. Kris's shirt was still as wet as before. He started to walk towards his first class I had to do something to dry his shirt after all it was my fault.

"Kris, wait...!" I ran after him and he stopped pretty quickly.
"What?!" He asked,
"Urmm well basically...take your shirt off!" I said quickly to make it less awkward.
"What! Why??" He asked with an amused expression.
"Just take it off and come with me I will dry it!" I repeated.

Surprisingly he did as I told him to and he started to take his shirt off.

"Wait...kris not here!" I thought again, and so he put it back on well he had only unbuttoned it. If he takes his shirt off here he will have to walk shirtless all the way to the bathroom. So I dragged him towards the girls bathroom which was on the other side of the school building (very convenient). Kris didn't even ask where we were going he just came.

I went inside the toilet and checked that it was empty. I came back outside and called Kris in. He walked in the girls bathroom and started to look around.

"Hey where do you girls pee?!" He asked looking at the back wall of the toilet.

"Seriously?!" I gave him a 'it's not funny' look.

"Hahaha am joking man chill" he replied while laughing out loud.
We heard a knock on the door which scared the hell out of both of us.

"Who is in there?" We heard a man's voice call in as the door started to open.

"Kris, hide if someone sees you in here we are both gonna get kicked out!" I said to him while pushing him in a toilet, but he dragged me inside with him and locked the toilet door.

"Why did you drag me too!?" I asked him quietly,
"Wouldn't you get in trouble if he saw you!" He replied.
"No, it's a girls' toilet why would I get in trouble!" I said.

The man knocked on the toilet door and asked again,
"Who is in here!?" He shouted.

I cleared my throat and replied to the man.
"It's only me, yepp just me in here!" I said in a loud voice.

"It sure sounded like a guy to me, is there a guy in there?!" He asked again.

"No no what would a guy be doing here, urmm that guy voice was mine I urmm I am practicing my drama lesson lines.." I said in the hope that he would fall for it and leave.

"Okay but keep it down and get out quick its lesson time you shouldn't be in here!" And with that I heard his footsteps faint away.

In all this madness I didn't realise how close to Kris I was right now. I could hear his heartbeat perfectly. My hand was on his chest as his top four buttons were not done, while his hand was on my waist.
"Kris, I think he has gone, we can go out now!" I whispered to Kris.
"And take your shirt off now I gotta dry it!" I said to him awkwardly and he took his shirt off.

His body was so flawless.

"Wow Kris do you workout?" I asked while taking the shirt off him.
"Urmm yh I guess you could say that!" He replied while looking into the mirror.

I put his shirt under the hand dryer which blows out hot air and dries your wet hands as the name suggests 'hand dryer'.

"What the hell is a guy doing here!" I heard a voice come from where the doors were.
I looked up and quickly passed Kris's shirt back to him as three girls had entered the girls' toilet.

"Oh urmm's just that well, she saw a rat!"He continued while winking at me.
"Yeah, that's right she saw a rat and screamed and since no-one was here I thought I would help her by removing the rat!" He lied to the three girls.


Sofi's Point is View

"I don't think one of the girls believed him though but we both left the toilet and because we were already late for lesson we decided to skip first lesson so we sat down and talked for about 2 hours" I said.
" awake heyyyyy" I tried to wake her up by shaking her but it was no use. She always does this, why does she sleep so much?.

Monday morning...
Beni's Point of view:

'Why is this lesson so boring' i thought to myself.
Eventhough everyone was together in this lesson it was still extremely quiet today. The boys were sat further away than usual from the girls, mainly because Channie had chosen to sit further away. Minho was sat with Gongchan as usual.

At the start of the lesson when I came in the class, Minho called me pver to sit with them. This made things less complicated since I didn't have to go through chosing where to sit.

Half of the lesson had passed now not even a single word from anyone. I think even the teacher looked worried since he kept urging everyone to discuss this and discuss that but that didn't work either.

"So, Channie what will you do about the double date that you challenged Afia with?" I heard Minho whisper to Gongchan.

"Yes, what is that about anyway? Why did you say that?" I asked Gongchan, joining in the conversation.

"Will talk about this later!" Replied Gongchan in an annoyed tone.

Minho shrugged at me and got back to his work.

The bell rang and everyone started to rush out.

"Beni, you coming?" Asked Berrie while the others where packing.
"Oh urmm yeah sure!" I replied and followed them out for break.

No-one was really talking expect for Piumi, who was going on about some abondened cat in her neighbourhood which she takes care off, outside the house since her mum doesn't let animals in the house.

"Yeah and she is only a baby!" She said excitedly.
"Wait, how do you know if the cat is a girl or a boy!?" Asked Hani who seemed interested in the topic.
"Ohh of course Hani, you don't know, well Piumi studied Cat-ology you see so she knows every thing about them!" Joked Hannah just the second before Piumi was going to open her mouth. The rest started to laugh except for Piumi.

"Beni, could you come here for a second!" I heard Minho call me, so I walked over to where he was stood.
"Yeah what's up? Oh where's Channie!?" I asked since he wasn't with him which wasn't usual.
"Oh urmm Channie in the library...maybe!" He said while scratching the back of his head.
"Anyway, that's not the main reason as to why I called you over!" He carried on, "do you know if Afia actually has a date? I mean if she doesn't then the whole double date thing can just be forgotten right? Plus Channie isn't behaving right and am worried, REALLY worried, because as far as I know, Gongchan isn't dating anyone!" He said while looking into my eyes.

Did I mention I feel awkward when someone stares directly into my eyes, anyway!

"Well urmm I thought Channie was dating that girl he was with the other day! And I really don't know anything about Afia, since the argument between the two everyone's mood is kinda off! That's why I wanted to ask Gongchan instead but it seems he is down too, I don't even know what's going on...I mean weren't Channie and Afia like you know frenemies!" I asked in concern.

"Yeah frenemies...anyway I shall talk to you later then got to find someone!" He said and with that he left, but came back.
"Oh by the way, don't tell anyone about this conversation okay! And yeah tell my student, Berrie that class is not on today I am busy today and that I will send her some worksheets to complete for next session though which she has to do, okay thanks bye!" And he walked towards the building.

I walked over to the girls who were sat on a bench while some were sat on the grass.
I went to Berrie and gave her Minho's message, she looked pretty sad about either class being cancelled or the fact that she had homework.

If I had to ask someone something the first person would be Hani or Afia. Don't know why but it seems like I can ask them, but since I am going to ask about Afia I should ask Hani instead.

"Hani, could you come with me for a second!" I called her over.
'Minho said I couldn't tell anyone, how do I ask Hani then' I thought while Hani walked over.
"Yeah Beni, you called me? And what did Minho want!?" She asked me, somehow I knew that was going to be her first question.
"Minho, well he wanted me to tell Berrie that he had to cancel the tution class for tonight!" I told her. I didn't lie one of the things we talked about was the class.
"Why couldn't he tell her himself!?" She asked me again.
"Well...I forgot to ask him that!" I answered.
"Or maybe he was too shy to approach Berrie himself!" She said excitedly.
"Why would he be shy? isn't like Minho likes his student now is it...!" I replied.
"Well you know to teach someone you have to like them, I mean you wouldn't like to teach someone you hate right?!" She replied confused.
"I know, I meant to say the other type of like you like!" I replied in a more detailed way.
"Ohhhhhhhhh yeah maybe could be, why else would he be shy" she said.

"Okay...anyway, I have a question!" I said nervously.
"Go on!" Hani replied.
"Well you know when I met you guys, and Afia was mocking Chann...I mean Gongchan, you said they were frenemies!" I continued "then why did Afia react that way when she say Gongchan with that other girl!?" I asked.
"That's your question!?" She said shocked.
"Yeah...!" I replied.
"Okay Beni, I won't give you clues, tell me why do you think Afia reacts that way!" She asked me cunningly.
"Because...urmmm the girl Gongchan was with is evil?!" I guessed and Hani shock her head indicating 'no, guess again'.
"Okay, because Afia has a twin sister which is mortal enemies with the girl Gongchan was with!" I guessed again.
She shock her head again.
"Well because...urmmm I don't know I ran out of ideas!" I replied pathetically.

"Really Beni, really! Well keep thinking am sure it will come to of these days" she said as the bell rang and she started to walk towards her next class.

I stood there for a while thinking about what I could have possibly missed out on.
'Why can't I see what's going on! Maybe if I knew what was happening I could help Afia or even Channie' I thought as I walked towards Biology.

This was the lesson in which I was alone, pretty much. Of course redhead was in biology with me, but he may as well be still acting weird.
I was about to enter the classroom when I saw redhead talking to the dude that was always with the dragon guy.
I suddenly got the urge to turn back. I grabbed Jinyoung's wrist and dragged him away from the tall creepy dude.
'Weren't dragon and tall guy enemies of redhead? Then why were they conversing!' I thought to myself as I took redhead away from our Biology lesson.

"Heyy...stop, where are you going!" He said and he managed to pull me back towards him which made me stop, and collide into him.
"Why did you do that? Do you have any idea as to how rude you were?!" He asked me in disbelieve, "what will TOP think now?!" He continued.
"Who, what will who think?!" I asked confused.
"TOP, the guy I was talking to, G-dragon's sidekick, huh more like the mastermind!" He said in a disgusted tone.
"If you don't like him why were you talking to him?!" I asked.
"Oh I wasn't talking to him, he was talking to me!" He replied.
"You know that's exactly the same thing..." I said.
"No, it's completely different...anyway whatever was happening between me and TOP is personal, why did you drag me here? It's lesson time!" He said while looking at his phone.
"Well I wanted to ask something...!" I said nervously but redhead was already going towards class.
"Ask me in lesson!" He shouted back.

I followed him in class, and as soon as we entered everyone gave us the 'we know you murdered someone' look, you know the look you get when you arrive in class late yeah that look.

Jinyoung had already sat down and was looking into his bag, as I approached my normal seat which was next to redhead another girl had already taken my seat.
'Well that was fast' I thought and changed directions and sat behind redhead, on my own next to the window.

"Hey that's not your seat" I heard Jinyoung say to the girl.
"It was mine before she came!" The girl replied.
"Look Park I already told you I have no interest in girls right now, especially girls like you!" He said in the nicest possible way.
"Yeah I always had a feeling she wasn't much of a girl!" she said while pointing at me.
"And that's the kind of girls I like, ones who aren't like...for example you!" This time I don't think Jinyoung even tried to be polite.
However, she didn't move even after knowing she wasn't wanted.
'She's abit clingy!' I thought while listening to all this conversation.

It wasn't long however when redhead got his phone out under the desk and was completely ignoring everything. The girl kept talking on and on but I didn't hear a single reply from Jinyoung.

My pen rolled off the table and went under the table in front.
"Excuse me, could you pass me the pen please...!" I asked the girl next to redhead.
She turned around to look at me, then smiled, I thought she would give me the pen but instead she kicked it even further away.
"Why did you..." I started but she cut me off.
"Back off him...or else!" She said signalling at Jinyoung that I should back off.

'What was I in her territory or something that I had to back off or else she would kill me, am pretty sure no matter how beautiful or cute you are, you still can't murder someone and get away with it!' I thought as we both looked into each others eyes.
Before I could open my mouth to reply to her, Jinyoung had stood up and started walking. He grabbed my pen from the floor, came back and gave it to me.
He got his bag from behind his chair and sat in the empty chair next to me.

I didn't say a word after he sat next to me, and he didn't even go on his phone under the table.

The bell rang and everyone headed towards their next lesson.
Everyone was together again in this lesson.
I was one of the earliest to get there, so I sat down in my normal place and waited for the girls to come.
One by one they all got there.
This lesson was dragging now since no-one was in the mood to talk as Afia wasn't talking or replying.

"Hey, dude look there's a spider next to your chair!" We heard a guy say from the front of the class.
"Well kill it already what the heck are you waiting for!!" A more scared guy voice replied.
"DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON THAT SPIDER, I WILL BREAK YOUR BONES IF YOU TRY TO HARM IT!!" Piumi had suddenly stood up and was barging her way towards the front to where the spider was.
She gently picked the spider up with her hands and walked towards the window.

"Why do you even care, it's none of your business, you can try breaking my bones but you won't be able to once you step towards me!" One of the guys replied.
"Oh why won't I be able to? Am pretty sure I would have done it if the spider was in danger!" Replied Piumi.
"Oh yeah I do have the power to break bones since you are half boy and half girl, wait that was wrong I meant to say you are hardly a girl!" The other guy replied and they both started laughing.

"Boys...boys shut up and sit back down!" The teacher interrupted.
"Piumi you go to your place too and settle down, I don't want things like this happening in my class again understood?!" She asked the whole class and everyone nodded.

Piumi did as she was told and sat down.

"You okay?!" Asked Berrie,
"Just ignore them they are just stupid...!" Consulted Hani.
"Yeah, they are clearly jealous of...of urmm you know your strength!" Continued Afia.
"Guys, am not mad I don't care about what others think it doesn't matter to me am strong on the inside too don't worry about me!" Said Piumi which silenced the girls.

(Meanwhile at the back of the classroom)

Jinyoung's Point of View:

"So who is going to pretend to be your girlfriend Channie?!" I asked Gongchan while he doodled on his paper.
"Hyung am not going to pretend, Yuri is my girlfriend we just weren't seeing each other for a while that's it!" He replied.
"Channie I know you now for a long time and I think I can tell when you are being honest and when you lie, and this time you are definantly not being honest!" I said in the hope that he would finally tell me his true feelings so I could atleast help him.
"Look I know you have some kind of feelings for Afia am not sure what it is but give yourself a chance to think it over, don't confuse yourself..." I continued but since I didn't get a reply I stopped talking about this matter.

'I have got to help Channie somehow, the advice I gave him should help if he follows it, but I know why I gave him that advice...I have done some stupid mistakes because I was confused too!' I thought as Channie calmly continued to do his work.

"Guys, have you done question 6? It's so hard help me out here!!" Key said just when there were only 5 minutes left till end of class.
"Key! What have you been doing all lesson dude? You are only on question 6!?" Channie replied surprised.
"Yah!! Some of us don't have your brain power as we have other talents like looking extremely handsome so, come on help a friend out!! Before she gets here!" Begged Key.
"Wow you're such a diva!" Said Gongchan as he passed Key his answer sheet.

The bell rang and it was finally end of class. I grabbed my bag and books and headed out.

I saw Afia heading out of school alone. I quickly ran up to her and caught up.

"Hey, Afia..." I said as I caught up.
"Oh hi!" She replied.
"So are you ready for the double date then? You know normally when people go on double dates they seen extremely happy, but for some reason I don't see it here..." I said.
"I am happy, am going to prove Gongchan wrong which makes me happy!" She replied trying to fake a smile.
"Yeah you seem more tensed than happy, may I ask do you even have a boyfriend?!" I asked while we both crossed the road.
"Ofcourse I have a boyfriend...why would you even ask a stupid question like that!" She tried to defend herself.
"Afia, you can't fool me like all your friends! I know that Gongchan has got a date and you will look abit silly without a date!" I stated out the obvious.
"Okay fine...I don't have a boyfriend but its not like I can't get a boyfriend, it's just that our school doesn't provide good looking guys..." She finally admitted the truth.
"Ouch, that hurt..." I replied dramatically.
"Ohh I didn't mean you, I meant the other guys...!" She said awkwardly.
"So anyway what are you going to do?!" I asked curiously.
"Well I haven't even told my friends that I don't have a boyfriend for the date, and am trying to think of someone I know that no-one in our school knows so that I can easily prove him to be my boyfriend, but I don't know anyone of that sort!" She said panicking.
"I might be able to help you but I need to think of someone that isn't recognised by people in our school, shall we talk through this properly in the park am tired of walking now!" I suggested.
"Yeah sure" Afia replied and we went to the park an sat down.
"So do you know anyone that can pretend to be my boyfriend for a day?!" Afia asked me in hope.
"I can't think of anyone in particular, but I do have one person in mind!" I said thoughtfully.

Beni's Point of View in her house:

"Hey Beni! You took your time to get home!" Sofi said as I entered my bedroom.
"Yeah I had to stay behind and finish my work off!" I replied as I sat on my bed.
"Beni you know I asked my mum for money and she said I was asking for too much money!" Sofi told me.
"Money for what?" I asked.
"I told you remember how I broke Kris's phone and I want to buy him a new one!" She said angrily.
"Ohhh yeahh, so what will you do now!?" I asked.
"Well I have just decided to find a job and work for the money and when I make enough money I will quit the job!" She said happily.
"Okay where will you find a job" I asked.
"Way ahead of you Beni, I already found a job at the coffee shop near the park and starting tomorrow!" She said happily.
"Wow that was fast, you must really want that phone for Kris!" I replied as we both lay down on my bed.

Jinyoung's Point Of View back at the park:

"Jinyoung, what are you doing here?" I looked up and Kris was standing in front of me.
"You found a new girlfriend I see..!" He said cheekily.
"No, she is just my friend, and what are you doing here?" I asked him as Afia stared at each of us as we both spoke.
"Me, am just in the park like a normal know looking out for cute girls and all" he replied while winking at Afia.
"Kris do you ever stop?!" I asked embarrassed as he was now flirting with Afia.
"Actually don't stop, Kris I have a very important job for you!" I said happily.
"What is it this time!" He asked while sighing.
"Oh it's a fun job, you have to be her boyfriend!" I said pointing at Afia.
"Ohhhhh now that's a job I can do!" He replied while reaching out for Afia's hand.
"Yeah you have to be her boyfriend for a day!" I said smiling which wiped the grin of his face...!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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