Dream life (Fanfic-B1A4 shinee infinite lee minho GD TOP) (SLOW UPDATES)

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Hey guys this is my first time writing a story on wattpad. I wrote this story bit by bit and made some of my friends read it and they really liked it and got kinda hooked to it and so I decided to post it up on here and see if you guys like it too because my friends really rose my confidence level in this story so I hope you guys just enjoy this story and I would appreciate it a lot if you guys commented and told me how you find the story and also rate is you think it is rateable :) ...... It's a story about a normal girl (well not quite normal) and how She survived a big turn in her life and what she goes through on a journey discovering the real world and the true friends and true love ;) It's mainly a fan-fiction of many of my favourite Kpop stars which include: B1A4's Jinyoung, Gongchan, Baro Shinee's Key and Choi Minho  Big bangs G-Dragon and Top  Lee Minho  Infinite's Dongwoo, woohyun       My Life was perfect. I am a teenage girl who just turned 17 In November and of course am a girl and I like all the usual girl things like football, games, WWE haha what did you just say girls don't usually like those types of things well...... I had everything a girl could every ask for. So I always found many differences between me and other girls I met. like one thing I realised for sure was how every other girl was totally into fashion, makeup and shopping but as for me I always found all these things boring. At first I found this lack of interest very irritating because I wanted to be like the rest too and talk to them about all these girly things but I couldn't do it ever. So I never actually had any true friends because girls would just find me boring and not talk to me for my lack of attention in the latest fashion and trends. So the day that my dad told me that we would be leaving England and moving into a new country because his boss asked him to lead the companies branch they have in the other country, I was half excited half scared. This excited me because I would have another chance to discover people and maybe the friends I have been looking for all this time but I never actually found. And at the same time I was scared what if the new country was worse than England (which is impossible). I have 3 younger brothers and 1 younger sister which makes me the oldest child, yes that means I had to be the "role model" for my younger siblings which was really difficult for me most of the times because I was very childish at times or as most people described me as. I think our family didn't mind the move as much as I did, but half of my heart wanted to move so I decided to just go with the flow since I didn't have a choice anyway. However, I only agreed on one condition that they would let me start school whenever I was ready and not when as soon as we got there and to m surprise they actually agreed. So the big move day came and everything was going pretty smooth and since I already said I didn't have any true friends none of my school mates came to say goodbye. But I didn't actually mind because I would be gone in a bit and probably not see them for a long time so I was okay.   We reached the airport and went to the booking area and booked our luggage and walked towards our terminal I was behind everyone as always since an kind of a slow walker.   As we got into the plane and sat down I reached out for my iPod, untangled my earphones and put some music on and closed my eyes for a little rest.   As I opened my eyes my little rest seemed more like a whole 8 hours sleep and the plane was landing by now. I hate it when the plane tires hit the ground and the plane just shakes and jumps for a bit that part of the plane ride is always the scariest. Finally the plane stopped and everyone was in a rush to get out so me and my family waited and remained in our seats to let everyone go out first and when they where all gone we got up and walked out of the plane too and then I took my first step on the land of South Korea Seoul !!!!!!

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