Scenario~React to SB! Episode 52!

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"This ones about me? I shouldn't be surprised. I am the ultimate life form after all." Shadow gloated with a sly smirk.

Reaction to Eggman:
"Eggman is a real dumbass." He said almost immediately once the episode started. "What's wrong with his chest? Logically speaking he shouldn't be walking with those scrawny legs attached to his hideously wide upper body."

Shadow shuddered.

Reaction to Lightning Bolt Society:
"They seem smarter than Eggman at first, but everyone seems to be stupid in this show." Shadow concluded.

"Except for me. I'm awesome." He smiled devilishly.

"What even are they? Is the Dave guy a weasel? It's hard to know since the animal name isn't his last name. Does mean the show is calling Interns animals?" Shadow chuckled laughed silently.

Reaction to himself:
"I look hot." Was his immediate reaction. "Of course I always look hot, but I look especially hot on television."

(Readers collectively nod)

"How does Eggman know me? What was I doing before he called me? Killing people? No... This is TV Y7... Stealing candy? I want to know if I was actually bad!" He complained and shook the tv.

"Damn! I'm the boss in this show! If I'm in it on Season 2 I might consider actually watching it." He said with a hint if excitement. "Look at the way I totally OWNED faker! Wait... UGH! Eggman is such an idiot! Why didn't he turn the damn flash off?! My loss is all over the tv screens of the world now!"

Shadow got up from his sitting position and went to a closet. "I'm gonna kill the fat-lard! NO ONE makes me into a laughing stock!"

That was all for today! I'll be calling the police soon so Shadow doesn't actually kill Eggman.


Oh dear... Well, I must take care of this issue! Remember to give us scenarios and questions to do/answer!

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