chapter 20

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The wedding is in 5 hours and I'm freaking out! I've been up since 5 am and now its 7 am and everything has gone wrong! Lyra woke up with a huge pimple ,Lynx is Still asleep and Rosie isn't talking to me and Toire isn't even here yet and to top it all off mom and dad had a huge argument ,ugh this is gonna be a long day ,I walked to my room and took a long shower .
At 8 am Toire finally arrived she had red puffy eyes , I sighed and sat down"What's up?"I asked "Teddy and I had a huge argument about me going on holiday in 2 days " she explained I remembered the day Teddy came to the hospital wing to see me "oh... Well why don't you go talk to him then?" I said "I can't I have to do your dress and hair and make up" she smiled sadly "Toire go talk to Teddy" I insisted she nodded and smiled and left I looked at the mirror and went to moms office then dads office and saw they were both empty " Didi?" I called ,an house elf appeared in front of me "Yes Miss?" She squealed "Do you know where mother and father are?" I asked "Mistress Hermione left to go to the library she is mad with Master Draco" I sighed and thanked her ,I walked to Scorp's room and knocked and walked in "Hey Cissy! 4 hours to go!" He said excitedly "I'm going to the burrow can you make sure Lynx is up and dressed soon and Rosie and Lyra are dressed please "he nodded and I apparated away ,I arrived at the burrow and the only people there were Gran and Grandpa Weasley , I walked in " Cissa what are you doing here? You should be getting ready"Grandpa said hugging me "I need help ... " I explained everything that was happening and Gran sighed "OK let's go to Malfoy Manor " We floo'd there and she helped me get ready .
There was an hour till the wedding and everyone finally arrived except Toire and Teddy ,Mom apologized for not being here earlier and Dad went to get changed ,Rosie ran to me "Cissa? " She said I looked at her as Gran left "yes?" she sat on my knees "Are you gonna leave me?" She asked I sighed "No ! I'm coming for lunch tomorrow!" I smiled at her ,she smiled and hugged me "will you do my hair and Make up?" She asked I nodded and sat her down and started doing her hair in a fancy up do ,we talked and giggled ,then the door opened and revealed Clary (the hairdresser from chapter 17) "May I help?" She asked "No thank you , we are fine " Rosie smiled ,Clary left and Rosie looked at me "Can I ask you something?" She said curiously "Sure " I smiled "Teddy wouldn't tell me so I will just ask you what is 2 M-o-n-t-h-s preg-nant?" She said my eyes widened "where did you hear that?" I asked "I saw you do the spell then that word popped up" she smiled at me curiously ,I picked her up and sat her on my lap "it means I'm going to have a Baby" Her eyes widened "Yayy!!!" She squealed "You can't tell anybody though OK?" she smiled and nodded she got up and skipped around "I'm going to be an aunty in going to be an aunty" she said "Rosie shush" I said she giggled and nodded .

*10 am*
2 hours till the wedding and Ginny just arrived at the manor and her and mom are in tears now after seeing me in my dress "Oh you beautiful!" They both gushed
"James told me to give you this"Albus said giving me a letter " Dear my beautiful girl ,I love you so much not long now ,yours for ever and ever J.P"I smiled at the letter


I woke up at 7 am to shouting and doors slamming ,I got up and ran to the source if the noise ,it was Teddy and Victoire ,she shouted "YOU SHOULD TRUST ME!" She then apparated and left ,he turned and looked at me "Sorry if we woke you bro " he said sitting on his bed running his hand thought his changing hair "Its OK man ,So what was that about?" I said sitting on the chair "she's going on holiday in 2 days and she doesn't want me to go" he said I yawned "Why do you wanna go anyways? I would have thought you would have wanted a break after these last few weeks" I said "she's Going with some Slytherins most are male" He said , his hair turning flame red just like Lily's "Don't you trust her?" I asked "of course! I just don't trust them " he shouted "OK man take a chill pill ,I wouldn't wanna wake mum up " I said he sighed then laughed obviously remembering the last time we woke mum up early ,She went mental and made us all clean the house the 'muggle' way ,it took us 4 days and poor Lily Was exhausted that we said she didn't have to do it .
"Ted Just trust her OK? Its Toire for Merlin's sake ,She won't even go out she will probably stay in and read some books or something " I said he laughed ,we heard a knock and Lily ran in she's 10 now and turning 11 in 25 days (she won't stop going on about it) "James, Teddy Mom said Stop making so much noise or she will cancel the wedding and make Us tidy again " I smiled at her "Let's be quiet then" she giggled "Oh and mom said pancakes are ready" We nodded and stood up ,she jumped on my back and I laughed ,she's very childish but the best sister ever we all ran down and sat at the table she gave lily her pancakes and Dad came down "So what was all that noise about?" He asked "Oh you know our boys always making a noise" she smiled Teddy smiled really big then eat his pancakes "James Get a shirt on" Albus said I looked down and laughed "Nah I think I will let you all see this awesomeness" I said pointing to my abs they all laughed and We heard a pop we turned and saw Toire there she looked at Teddy "Can we talk?" She asked ,Teddy looked at mum to ask if he could be excused ,mum nodded and they left the Kitchen ,Lily looked down "Mum can I go get ready?" she asked "Yes sweetie ,Al can you go Phone The McMahons and see what time they are arriving?" Mum asked ,They both left and Dad looked at me "You ready for this son?" I nodded "To marry My best friend? Of course I am!" He laughed and mum kissed my head "I'm gonna miss my baby boy " she said tears in her eyes "Mum! We are coming to dinner on Sunday! And Lils and Rosie are sleeping over tomorrow after we leave Malfoy Manor " i smiled at her "Yeah Gin ,besides we will see them everyday ,We are the closets family ever , even closer then That muggle show 'Mione watch's " Dad said I laughed and mum told me to go get ready .
By 10 o'clock she and Dad left with Al and Lily to go to Malfoy manor , I gave Al a letter for Cissa .
I was just doing my tie up when John walked in "Hey !!" He shouted I laughed and turned and saw John,Scorp ,Fred and Louis there "Hey guys! " I smirked at them "Not long now James!" Fred said patting my back "I know I can't wait!" we all laughed and Had a shot of fire whiskey .

Next chapter is the wedding!!! ~PaigeJenny

Our Time To Shine : A Sequel to A One Night Fumble  A Dramione Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora