Chapter 9

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                      LYNX MALFOY

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                      LYNX MALFOY

                       Lyra Malfoy

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                       Lyra Malfoy

*No ones POV*
James Was frozen as he watched the love of his life run off, it took a while to get up but he did.

*Meanwhile cissa POV*
I ran to my room and pushed past everyone  who tried to ask if I was OK "Cissy" I heard a familiar voice shout I turned and saw my little  sister  ,Lyra"come with me " she grabbed my hand she pulled me towards the room of requirements  we walked in and it looked like my bedroom at home we sat on the Bed and she asked me what was wrong "James asked me to marry him" I said she squealed and hugged me"that's great!!"she pulled back and looked at me curiously "I'm  not going  to ask why, Im sure you have your reasons" she sighed "I need to tell you something " i said  "what?" I took some letters out of my pocket  "their from Lucius" she opened them and read them and gasped "we need to show these to an adult " she said "No! Cant you read! He's watching me he knows what I'm doing!" "Cissa?" Two voices came I turned and saw James,Scorp,Fred and John "Who knows what you are doing?" James asked "It doesn't matter " I said trying to get the letters  from Lyra but she's already  jumped  off the bed and was handing Scorp the letters and he read them out loud

"Narcissa Jane Malfoy Jr

You disgusting Half Blood! You are a disgrace to my family Name and its time you pay for it!
I Will be following your every move!
i know where you are  and who you are with! If you don't want harm to your 'precious ' family  and you better do as I tell you!
If you do not  I will PERSONALLY  make your Potter pay for your  mistake, he will die painfully  and Slowly
when he finished they all looked up at me "is this why you said No to me?" James asked, I nodded slowly  , I saw him walk to me "Cissa you should have told me,Im your boyfriend  I  love you and I will protect you,never keep anything from me again ok?he said lifting my chin up " he'll hurt you… I can't let that happen " I whispered  "I wont let him hurt me, Im James Potter,most stubborn person (and brilliant person ) ever  alive" he smirked "Cissas more stubborn then you"Fred laughed "so lets try this again shall we?" He smiled getting off the bed and on to one knee "Cissa... you are one of the bests, brightest people i have ever known, you always know what you
want and you know how to get it, you fight for what you want and never let go till you get it, you are everything I've always wanted in a woman and i dont know how i could ever live without you,I don't wanna live without you will you marry me?" He asked i looked into his eyes and he looked so hopeful "yes!" I smiled he slippes the ring on my finger  and we kissed. I Just hope our Happiness  will be forever and not cut short <3

enjoy everyone!!!!!~PaigeJenny

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