Chapter 5

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*James POV*
After Slughorn gave me an antidote and Teddy explained what i had done i was very angry with myself i was looking for Cissa all day but i couldn't find her at dinner i sat alone eating quickly "Mate slow down she will be here soon"Fred said as if on queue She walked in and sat with Scorp and Louis at the Slytherin table i got up but Scorp shot me a look and i sat down.

*2nd hour Transfigurations,Cissas POV*
"Cissa look i was given a love potion I  didn't know…why are you so mad?"
James asked me as McGonagall was talking i sighed..."No reason just being silly …Wanna be partners for this project?"I asked he nodded "sure i will meet you today in the library

Today we were going home i cant wait  in 4 days we are having a Christmas Party at Malfoy Manor.
its 9:30 am and im pulling my case down the stairs "Cissa your a witch act like one " my dorm mates said one of them levitated my trunk and put it on the ground "thanks Megan" they smirked and walked off "but James that prank is so Lame..."i heard Fred say"you two better not be going to prank anyone "i said they laughed and Fred put his arm around my shoulder "as long as you don't say anything they will never know "he laughed "don't mess anything up".

*on the train James' POV *
It was hard but Teddy and Toire(Victoire)got us all on the train on time,but that was a few hours ago Fred and i had pulled a prank on The Hufflepuffs' and as Fred guessed no one guessed it was us.
Their was only 35 minutes till we got to Kings Cross i pulled Cissa sleeve And asked her to come with me to the food trolley "whats wrong James?"she asked "erm... i need to tell you something..." she smiled kindly at me "i like you" i said she smiled "i know your my best friend!"  I looked at my hands "I mean i like you more then that " i said she didn't say anything so I looked up and she stood their "hey forget i said anything " i pushed past her and walked back to the compartment everyone was in waiting to get home

*Cissas POV*
James just told me that he likes me!why didn't I answer! I'm so stupid! I sat  in an empty compartment and let his words roll over in my head.
The train stopped abruptly and i saw my parents weren't their but Ginny,Harry,Luna,Rolf,Ron and uncle George were there as we were all going to the Burrow (George is the only one Cissa calls uncle because he's her godfather (Hermiones choice ) i got off the train and ran to Uncle George "hey kiddo you had a good time? Hey have you  been crying" he asked I  nodded "I'm so stupid "i blubbered "you are not!who told you that?!" He asked stubbornly "James told me he liked me …" i said "oh… he finally told you huh? and I'm guessing you didn't take it well" he hugged me "i really do like him though "he sighed "just tell him then we apparated to the Burrow and mum took Scorp and I home before i could talk to James
*23rd( Christmas party )*
mum Hired 2 ladies to do our make up and hair i was wearing a beautiful green dress that was past my knees and dark green one inch heels ‘pop’ i heard i turned and saw the house elf named Mitzy  (who mum pays 3 gallons a week to and a day off(this is all they would take after 3 months of constant offers from mum and dad) this was the same for all the 6 house elves we have )"Miss, Mistress Hermione wants you in the parlour now please " i smiled"thanks Mitzy"she left and I ran to the parlour room "you look beautiful princess "dad said i smiled i saw mum helping Lyra with her hair bow and Lynx was watching her.
*one hour later *
I saw Fred and Louis walking to me"Hey,great party " they said hugging me and kissing my cheek"where's James?"i asked "he wouldn't come..." Louis said i sighed "cover for me will you?" I ran off to the Floo room.
I floo'd to Potter Manor (which is bigger than Malfoy manor ) and walked to James room i opened his door "we need to talk  " He looked At me "you had the Chance to say something and you didn't! You just stood  their and didn't say anything…" i stopped him talking on  by kissing him.

OMG I'm so sorry for such a long wait I will try updating soon i promise (i have such a busy schedule Im sorry!!) LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!~PaigeJenny

Our Time To Shine : A Sequel to A One Night Fumble  A Dramione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now