Sons of The Big Three

463 11 17

Jason's POV

Jason bolted after Coral who was surprisingly quick even if she was drained from the battle. He hadn't seen it, but looking at the faces of the ones who did gave him an idea. Even if didn't see their terrified faces, a girl that could destroy 50 monsters, alone, is scary. He finally caught up with Coral that had sat on the beach, her head on her knees and her arms wrapped around her. Jason was about to ask her to come back, that is until he took a good look at her face. She seemed to be convulsing in silent sobs and her eyes held pain that Jason had only seen in Nico's eyes when he confessed to Cupid.

Jason made a split second decision. Instead of pressuring Coral into telling the story, Jason first needed to know who she was without her past. He needed to gain the trust of the girl, and he needed to trust her. Jason walked up to her, sitting down right next to Coral. She looked up, her sea green eyes swirling with emotions that don't belong in the eyes of a 13 year-old. Pain, grief, fear, hopelessness, sadness... Jason couldn't help himself. He wrapped his arms around the frail girl and hugged her. Coral stiffened, but after a few moments calmed down and hugged back.

" Thank you..." she muttered.

Jason didn't answer, instead he hugged her tighter. This girl had gone through so much, yet still found the modesty to say thank you to a simple hug. Jason couldn't help feeling jealous of Percy for having a sister like Coral while he was stuck with Ivana. A good for nothing girl that expected everything to be served up on a silver platter. Scratch that, on a gold platter is more like-it.

Jason pulled away and put his hands on Coral's shoulders turning her to face him.

" You don't have to tell us until you are ready." Jason said, rubbing soothing circles on Coral's arms.

Coral looked at him, gratitude in her bloodshot eyes.

" Thank you..." she stammered.

Jason, felt an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness. This girl had probably been through literal hell and yet she was still modest and humble. She had just defeated a small army and still hadn't mentioned it. She had beat-up Nico and Percy, tied with Percy in a spar and hadn't mentioned a thing.

Jason realized that he was hugging her again. And she was hugging him.

" I will protect you Coral, I promise" Jason muttered.

Coral looked at him and smiled. That simple movment made Jason swell with pride. He had managed to make his sis smile. Hold up, SİS? Since when did he call Coral his sis?

" What's wrong" came a curious voice.

Jason looked up at Coral.

" Is it alright if I call you my sister?" asked Jason without thinking. Then realizing what he said felt a terrible blush working up his face. He had just asked a girl that barley knew him if he could call her a sister.

Coral looked scared and sad for a moment before she looked at him and grinned. Jason did a double take. The grin was an exact replica of Percy's lopsided grin.

" Why not?" answered Coral a twinkle in her once teary eyes. Yet Jason saw a dread in her eyes, he decided not to mention it.

Jason let out a laugh before standing up and offering his newly dubbed sister his hand. Coral let out snort of laughter and allowed him to pull her up.

Jason turned around to see Nico and Percy sprinting towards them, followed closely by the rest of the seven.

By the time they had arrived Jason already had his arm swung over Coral's shoulders and Coral was leaning into his touch, yet Jason knew there was nothing romantic in this gesture. It was pure and innocent sibling affection.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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