Chapter 8: The Destined Night

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Me and Jen were now on our home. She was very happy, I had a hard time stopping her from crying.

When we are now on our bed and ready to sleep, we talked about the matter.

"David, thank you so much for everything."

She smiled and hugged me so tight and looked at me admiringly, "You have brought hope to many, especially me. You are the best!"

She suddenly kissed me and I blushed.

"Oh babe stop it you're making me blush."

We laughed and so we slept that for the first time, it felt like a great burden was taken out of our shoulders. But there is still something there. This is not yet even done.

There is still so much to do. I also remembered what Prof. Kim has saud to me about this Jia. She must know everything about Lucy on her school days. I hope Tammy can also be there.

Tomorrow night, we will face the hardest test of all in my senior life before I graduate. I must survive this, if I ever want to.


At St. Gregory University, Classroom 4-A, 7:00 AM.

The classes were suspended due to Lucy's curse. The school made the descision so that no one could get hurt while we are on the Dark Corridors.

While waiting for Prof. Kim, me  and Jen read whats on the blackboard.

Go David and Jen! The Class 4-A, the whole St. Gregory University, will pray for you and support you. You will come back alive okay? We'll be there to welcome you back!

-Class 4-A, St Gregory University

Jen and I cried and wiped it. We looked into each other.

"We can do this, David."

"Yeah. No matter what happens, I will never leave your side."

Thats when Prof. Kim along with two girls came inside the room. One was shy looking, and the other really looks like a punk, but she's still cute looking with her long blonde hair. That must be Tammy. The other one with the black hair, tied in a pigtail must be Jia, the best friend of Lucy.

"We're here.", said Prof. Kim. "Now, David and Jen, before you go, Jia and Tammy will have to confess."

Jia shyly smiled at us and said, "Hi David and Jen. Its nice to meet you. The hero and the heroine of the school. Its such an honor."

Then Tammy, "Hello. Jen right? You really look so much like your sister. Really surprising. I want to apologize for what I did to her last two years.. I didn't want that to happen to her. Someone killed her."

Jen was not looking to her at all. Maybe she's still bitter about what she did to Lucy two years ago.

Jia took her hand and softly said to her, "Jen, you must have known everything that happened two years ago. Tammy became badly influenced by a female group. She was my best friend since middle school. But she changed completely then. I was all left alone. I have no friends. But your sister, Lucy, came to me one day. We have just read a book together and we already became best friends. But she was being bullied ever since I became her friend by Tammy and her group. Your sister suffered so much, just like you are now. But, she always writes in her diary that she'll never give up for her sister who looks up to her. She said there that she loves you so much and she'll fight for you. Because.. your future is her dream. She wants you to be happy, no matter what."

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