Chapter 6: Professor Kim's Tale

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The alarm clock were ringing. I shut it up. I woke up lazily and jumped out of bed. Of course, Jen were still sleeping very soundly.

"Jen. Jen! Baby! Wake up now, we have to go to school today.", I said while nudging her.

"Oooohh.. its still very early babe.. wait a sec."

She lazily went upright and yawned, "Sleeping with you feels really good. I hope it can always be like this."

"Dont worry it will always be like this. I am going to be by your side, always, from now on."

She smiled and hugged me, "You're the best boyfriend in the world, babe. I am glad that you became my first. I am going to cook now. Go and take your bath."

I nodded and so I did it.


So after breakfast and all was settled, we locked the door of the apartment and we went to school together.

It was still very early when we got there. It wasn't raining that much today, but I have a feeling that its just biding its time.

Jen held my hand as students and teachers who came early glared at her.
"Dont mind them. Lets keep walking.", I said to her.

And so we are now climbing the stairs to the 4th floor. While walking and climbing, we felt a very strong cold wind coming from the dark corridors.

Jen and I stopped for a while to look at the entrance.

"Sister..", said Jen with so much sadness on her voice.

While we are reading the warning sign outside, I definitely heard someone whispering and laughing. There's also someone crying. And all of the noises were coming from the dark corridors.

I gripped Jen's hand and dragged her away.

"Whats wrong babe?", asked Jen.

"I definitely heard eerie voices coming out of that place. We must not linger there for much longer."

While we were walking the corridors of the 4th floor building, I felt cold sweat coming out from me.

Jen was shivering again even now that she was wearing her thick, red jacket.

After a moment, while we are now settled on our classroom, the lights were flickering and the rain was now pouring.

"What's wrong with the lights?", asked Jen while clutching my hand. She were beginning to get scared.

Has the curse of Lucy really started?


After a few more minutes, Prof. Kim and all of my classmates went in. Some of them were absent. Maybe they were horrified that they may get killed by Lucy.

Everyone was quiet while Prof. Kim was teaching. She noticed this and she asked the class, "Whats wrong with you everyone?"

All them were still quiet. I took the opportunity to ask.

"Professor? Can I ask something?"

She smiled kindly to me, "Yes of course Mr. Lee."

I stood up and looked at Jen. I have to fight for her.

"Professor, I know that everyone here cannot deny it anymore. All of us were worried that we may get killed anytime, or our precious friends. We know that Lucy was now killing students because of some reason. Can you tell us more about her?"

She paused for a while and stared at me blankly.

"You are very brave to ask something like that. Very well. I will tell you a little about our history. Please take your seat."

I sat and everyone was excited by what Prof. Kim was about to tell us.

"Listen carefully. Lucy was my class president two years ago. She was an excellent student. The best one of all. Of course, almost everyone likes her. But, there is a female group that dislikes her so much. It was led by someone named Tammy. She was also my student, and she was the most punkish girl on the whole campus. Poor Lucy. The group's attention was aimed to her. Everyday, every moment, they tried so hard to bring her down. They always bully Lucy so much. But Lucy never gave up. She kept on excelling."

She paused for a while and looked on us.

"But one day, that group did a very dreadful thing. I dont know how they knew all of Lucy's personal secrets. The group exposed all of her secrets, including the one that she likes my husband. The whole school was shocked by this because they idolized Lucy as the Campus Queen. Thats when everything about her started to get destroyed. No one respected her since it got worse day by day. She were bullied even more by Tammy and her group. There were times when they poured muddy water all over her face publicly. No one cared."

Jen was now crying again. Prof. Kim walked closer to her and asked, "Are you alright Jen?"

She nodded and wiped her tears, "Please continue Professor."

She gave Jen a tissue and went back again on the center of the class.

"Going back. Ever since then, Lucy has lots of trouble on herself. Her mind was disturbed so much. One night, she texted me to come at the senior high at the middle of the night. But when I did, I just found someone falling from the rooftop and fell from the ground. I went closer to see who was that, and I was horrified to the extent that I threw up. It was Lucy. I came too late. I dont know if someone killed her. Lucy's skull was split and fresh blood came out of it. Her uniform was bloody, indicating that she was stabbed before she fell. The police did not managed to arrest the killer."

Prof. Kim looked at us very seriously.

"Now that I told you that, promise me that this will not leak out of this school. I have trust on all of you. That was her death. But no one ever knew who killed her, and we dont even know the reason why Lucy cannot rest in peace. On her death, we found a diary that she was clutching. The school took it and wrote the words, 'In Loving Memory of Lucy Carmel', and hid it on a place that was now known as the Dark Corridors. Many have tried to help her and entered, but no one has ever returned. They have died on that sect of the building. After many months, many students have been brutally killed. Some of them went crazy. But we managed to know that a girl in a bloody uniform, with pale skin and face and black eyes crying with blood was the one who showed up to them by one of the student who exerted the last effort before she died of telling one of the police. And it was Lucy. That student wrote with her blood the name Lucy Carmel. The school refused to tell this to the media, because it is their fault that they heed no attention to this matter. I know that its my fault as well. I am sorry Jen. I came too late to save your sister."


Thats when Prof. Kim's tale ended. Jen and I looked to each other, then to Prof. Kim. She looked at us meaningfully. She's secretly giving us the clues of her death.

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