Chapter 9: Inside the Dark Corridors

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We turned on our flashlights as we entered the Dark Corridors. As we were walking, a lightning flashed violently followed by the roar of the thunder.

Jia and Jen screamed and held on to me. Tammy was just covering her ears.
I think this challenge will not be so easy for us.

Jen held my hand as we walked the corridors. She was closing her eyes because as we went deeper, we are now seeing the deceased corpses of many students. The air was very cold and smells of rotting meat.

The classrooms are very spooky because some of the chairs were floating and some doors were creaking with irritating noise.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?", shouted Jen frantically and put her face on my chest.

"What is it, Jen?", asked Tammy.

"I h-heard someone laughing. A devilish laugh!", she was shaking as she spoke.

Jia screamed too and covered her ears, "I CAN HEAR VOICES! VOICES COMING FROM DEEP DARKNESS!"

"Sh*t, this is becoming bad, David.", said Tammy. I can tell that she's also shaking with fear.

"Come on. We have to be strong. We are even not seeing any ghosts yet. Thats just their way of making us lose hope. They're laughing because they knew that we were going to end up like these.."

I pointed to the floor where a skeleton was hanging and a rotting, bloody corpse just below our feet.

Jen covered her mouth and almost threw up.
"I.. I c-cant take it David!"

I closed her eyes and gave her a piggy ride on my back, "Jen, just close your eyes no matter what happens. We'll be fine."

Jen nodded and cried as we continued walking. Jia was clutching Tammy's clothes very tight.

"I.. im s-scared, Tammy!"

Tammy held her hand tight, "Dont be scared, Jia. I am going to protect all of you from harm. I am just here, beside you."

As we continue walking, we heard someone screaming. Is it possible that someone went here aside from us!?

"HEEEEEELP!!!", a girl said. After a while, we just saw a living girl running for us but a ghost was chasing her and stabbed her eyes!

We are now seeing someone being killed right before our eyes.

The ghost is a high school girl. It was not Lucy. She was cracking up as she continue to stab the poor little girl like an animal.

Jia was screaming, Tammy was shaking, Jen was crying, and I was just standing here just watching the ghost kill the girl. After a few moments, the insides of the girl, the intestines, went out of her stomach as the ghost prepared her final blow.

As expected, all of us vomitted. The ghost slowly turned her face on us and I was horrified by her face. She has no eyes at all, and she was covered with blood.

"AKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAAAA!!", she laughed so loud that it turned my legs into jelly.
"Foolish living humans came here.."

She floated close to us while laughing with insanity. She raised her bloody knife.

"NOW! WHO WANTS TO DIE FIRST!?", she shouted. She was suddenly in front of us.

All of us froze on the spot while shaking with fear. She went closer to Jen and pointed the bloody knife to her neck.


Jen was crying and Tammy shouted, "STOP IT! OR YOU ARE GOING TO GET HURT!"

The ghost screamed and floated away. Tammy showed her a piece of iron and silver.

"KYAAAAAAA!! GET THAT AWAY FROM ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!", shouted the ghost as she covered her face with her hands.

Tammy swung the iron chain and threw the piece of iron to the ghost.
She screamed her soul was vaporizing, "GRRRRR!! YOU STUPID WOMAN! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU FIRST!"

Tammy swung the silver chain again to the ghost and she screamed out of agony.


Tammy prepared for the final blow and swung the silver chain with tremendous strength.

The ghost horrifyingly screamed as she turned dark and vaporized into thin air.

It was over. Thats just one ghost and there's still a lot of them, but it seemed like we have exhausted all of our energies just to stay sane.

Tammy put the silver chain and the iron back to her large pouch and tended to Jia.

I hugged Jen, "It was over, for now. Stop crying, everything is just fine."

She hugged me tight and said, "David.. I want to go home.. I.. Im so scared!"

"We have to, Jen. We have to keep fighting for your sister."

She nodded and tried to get up but she's too weak and she tumbled.

"Im tired baby..", she moaned.

"Tammy," I called to her.

She applied a band aid to Jia then looked at me, "Yeah I know. We must rest for a while. We cant go on like this, especially without much of a plan. We will get killed if we're too careless here."

I suddenly remembered the terrible shape of the girl earlier. Blood came out of her eyes like a fountain and her insides came out horribly.

I vomitted again and looked at the girl earlier. She was covered with so much blood that I cant even see a human form anymore. She was crying for help, and we just let her die. Tears went out of my eyes.

So this is the Dark Corridors. We have just entered it and we were almost stripped away of our sanity. The horror has just begun.

We cant escape anymore. We cant escape from this reality. I know that anything might happen. We may really not get out of here alive..

Because we are now inside..

The Dark Corridors..

The Dark Corridors

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