Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

Hello diary of Lucy Carmel. My name is David Lee and she entrusted you to be kept within me and Jen's hands. You may have some bloodstains, but to me and Jen, you're very special and unique. You brought us together in an unexpected way and because of you, Lucy finally found her peace by being assured that her happy memories written upon you were on the hands of the rightful people.

Now, as her loving memory I will write to you everything that happened ever since I stepped foot on St. Gregory University, known Jennifer Rose Carmel, discovered the mystery of the school, suffered from many judgments and danger, faced the death of many students and the anger of others toward us , until to the time when Lucy found her peace and me and Jen graduated high school with flying colors, when the school finally recognized our good will and intention for their welfare, and the salvation of a ghost from her dark past.

We experienced many horrific, sad scenes and events on that school. It tested everything on me, even my faith to God. Our minds and bodies have dealt with so much fear, bloody and unearthly encounters, have witnessed vengeance from a ghost that caused the numerous death of many students, and even faced Death itself.

But I am glad. Somehow, throughout those dark times, me and Jen were together and we never gave up.

I hope this story can be read by the next generations. It was really worth telling. It changed my whole life.

Now, since they have written upon you the words, "In Loving Memory of Lucy Carmel", I am going to give the same title to the story that I am about to write.

This way, I can honor Lucy Carmel's memories by proving that she really existed and her good memory will always remain alive by the people who loves her.

I am going to write now..

PS: (Expect that this will scare you. Dont read this at night. Lucy may be resting in peace now, but she can still show up to you anytime. She may be smiling to you because you're reading her diary. Or, she could do the same thing she did while she was killing the students brutally because they dislike her and they were disrespecting her identity.)

In Loving Memory Of Lucy CarmelWhere stories live. Discover now