39: Frank was kneeling in the bathtub

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The title... Sorry not sorry. I had to XD 
Sorry for the very slow updates. School is taking all of my time and besides school I have a family and a boyfriend to keep happy so XD Also, this summer my boyfriend and I will be together for FIVE YEARS. Holy shit. When we got together I thought he'd be done with me in a week! Now I hope he's the one I'll spend the rest of my life with ^^
Enough personal talk and some good news: One more week. ONE MORE WEEK. Then, if I passed every exam, I'll have vacation! Which means loads of updates for y'all! I need to pass them though, but I think I will! :) 
For now, I hope you guys enjoy this. I truly enjoyed writing it. The feels hit me hard. (Good feels). Xxx


I slowly step into the bathtub. The hot water closes around my ankles, causing me to groan. It's hot. I wait a couple of seconds, before I slowly lower myself and lie down. My skin tingles, trying to let me know the water is almost too hot. I like it. I close my eyes and let all my thoughts slip from my mind. They weren't useful anyways. All I think about right now, is how much Gerard means to me. I love him. I do. But there's more. More than love. The connection I feel to him is... so, so strong. I've never experienced anything like it before. I've always felt a connection to him, but ever since we got together it grew stronger and stronger.

It's special. He makes me laugh. He takes care of me. He guides me when I need it. He hugs me at the right time. He knows exactly how to be there for me. He never makes me feel like I'm stupid. All the things that I thought were weird about me and that I hated... He made me love those parts of myself. Sometimes I feel guilty. I feel like I never do anything in return. Gerard assures me it's nothing like that. 

"I am your Master, Frankie. You're my love. You're my submissive. I love to take care of you and make sure you're okay. The moment you get that adorable smile on your face, you do everything I will ever need to live a happy life."

I can still hear him say it. Those words made me cry. They made me cry in the best way possible. What Gerard and I have, isn't just love. It can't be. What we have goes beyond.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as Gerard walks into the bathroom. He smiles at me before he closes the door. He called Lindsey to make a new appointment about our theme park trip with Bandit. 


"We can pick her up on saturday. I ordered the tickets already." he says with a grin. I hum in content. I love Bandit. She is such a sweet kid. She makes me so happy with her far too positive view on this world. She gets excited about literally everything. When she's around, the world doesn't seem as dark. I can't wait to go to the theme park with her. To hear her laugh and have her tug on my sleeve when she wants me to come with her. We had to cancel last time and she'd been very disappointed. We wouldn't cancel it this time. No matter how bad I'll feel. I want to go.

I gesture Gerard to come over. He does. He slowly walks towards me and undresses himself. I bite my lips as his bare skin is revealed. Gerard is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. He slowly steps into the tub as well and hisses in pain.

"Damn Frank, how do you even survive in there?"

His bites down his lips in pain as he tries to get used to the temperature. I kind of forgot that Gerard doesn't like the water as hot as I do. Well, too bad for him. I chuckle as he stares down at me. 

"Seriously, how do you not burn?"

"It must me my Italian blood." Gerard laughs at that and ruffles through my hair. He slowly makes his way into the water, step by step, until he's finally sitting on the bottom of the tub. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest, causing me to let out a happy sigh. I let the back of my head rest against his chest and close my eyes again. 

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