"I never torture you. I just gave you hell."

"And still doing it."

"I mean I still gotta give you my birthday treat."

"You already did."

"No that was a trick. Now you get the treat. Trick and Treat."

"Lemme guess the trick was the foreshadowing dream and the treat is-"

"This good dick."

Did he not just say his good dick😰💀. That ain't good it's painful.

I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Isn't that good dick for Selene Dela Rosa?"

"Her nahh we went out but a few hours ago I broke up with her. She was tired of me mostly following you. I mean she had this dick but you been had it way betta."

"See I'm with Chris-"

"Watch this I'm gonna get him." Ant jumps inside of me.


I was sleep until I woke up to use the bathroom. I seen Pashion get up but her eyes were fully red. "Look here Chris."

She said until I noticed that was a male voice. "What the fuck?"

"Look here this is Ant and I'm possessing her body. This pussy is all mine and I claimed it since I raped her at thirteen. You can't his this better than I can. I never liked you chris thats why I got you to never talk to her again but stay away from Pashion or you can die. Might as well show you how good I can fuck her. So if I was you fuck off now or die later you have sixty seconds to leave this house or you die."

I got up and jumped out of the window with my stuff. I love Pashion but ant to damn crazy.


I seen chris left and I gasped. "Really ant!?"

Phantom Of Sexual Nightmares 2Where stories live. Discover now