Meeting time

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No one's P.O.V

It was Saturday and today there was going to be a game between Seirin and Kaijo. Kuroko said he'd bring Nagisa so she could meet the team wich Kagami was happy about since he had taken a liking to the blue heard girl.

Not in a romantic way but he'd come over a couple of times this week and they were somewhat friends now.

"Kagami-kun, we're here" Kuroko suddenly spoke making him jump.

"H-hey Kuroko-kun, could you please stop sneaking up to me" Kagami said.

"Sorry" he answered.

Kagami looked behind Kuroko to find Nagisa (who's hair was now short) holding hands with the redheaded dude he met this Monday.

"He Taiga-kun" Nagisa said smiling.

"Hey Nagisa, what's with the short hair?" he asked.

"I had it cut this morning!" She answered. "Oh and meet my boyfriend Karma".

"Sup" the redhead said.

Something about his smile made Kagami feel uncomfortable.

"He you guys, get changed already! The game starts in twenty minutes" the coach yelled.

She then spotted Nagisa and huged him.

"OMG YOU'RE SO CUTE!!! What's your name?" She said while hugging him tightly.

"U-um i-i'm Nagisa, I'm Tetsu's younger brother" she said.

"Wait... BROTHER?" Kagami exclaimed.

Karma smiled at him, his eyes full of mischief.

"So you taught Nagisa was a girl?" He said. "My my you really are an idiot".

Soon psychotic laghter could be heard trough the building.

The entire team had gathered around to see what all the commotion was about. Karma was beating up Kagami who was overwhelmed by the younger boys strength.

Some guys tried to pull him of but failed. Then Nagisa walked up to him and laid his hand on Karma's shoulder.

"Stop it" he said calmly and Karma stopped and looked up.

"I won't stand for this idiot insulting you" he said.

"He couldn't have known" Nagisa said calmly.

Karma stood up and grabbed Nagisa's hand and spoke: "I'm getting sick of all these morons, let's get something to eat. My treat".

"Ok" Nagisa said and walked out after his Boyfriend.

AN well that was a disaster! Poor Kagami, Karma went Yandere mode on him. Sorry if this chapter is horrible! The next one will be better. I hope you enjoyed BAYYYY 😘

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