Chapter 24: Talk.

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"Hey Asia." Kayla took a seat in front of her.

"What do you want?" Asia chomped on her slice of pizza.

"I don't want nothing from you." Kayla said in a calm tone. "I just wanna know what's up with you?"

"I'm broke and living with my new boyfriend Andrew." Asia picked up another slice of pizza.

"Oh okay. Well why'd you lie to me about dad doing all the damage to Kelsiee?" Kayla stared into her stone cold eyes.

Asia put her slice of pizza down. "I was mad at you and I felt like hurting Kelsiee would make me feel so much better. I giggled deviously at dad beating her brutally, but when I saw he went a little too far, I ordered dad to stop."

"So, you were mad at me because I agreed with Aaliyah saying that our dad loves weed?" Asia nodded as Kayla shook her head. "I trusted you at a point at least with Kelsiee. It's sad I don't trust any of my family members except Uncle Lenny!" Kayla banged her fist on the table.

"Kay, please not in public." Asia said in a calm tone.

"No, Asia I don't care. You didn't care about beating on Kelsiee, so I don't care who sees me. You better be glad I don't fight because I would've been whooped you." Kayla took a slice of Asia's pizza.

Kayla and Asia continued arguing and it began to get heated. As they continued arguing, a Caucasian guy with dirty blonde short cut hair and blue eyes walked over. Kayla assumed this was her boyfriend.

"Hey babe. You ready to go?" The guy tapped her shoulder.

"Yeah. Before we leave, this is my sister Kayla." Asia said with a straight face as she pointed to Kayla.

"Oh that's cool. She's not as beautiful as you." The guy chuckled.

"Um..what is that suppose to mean dude?" Kayla asked in an agitated tone.

"My names Andrew and I meant what I said." Andrew said in a blunt tone.

"Oh is it because I'm..."

Asia cut Kayla off. "Babe let's go." Asia kissed his lips.

"No..wait we were not DONE." Kayla rose up from the table angrily.

"I don't care. I don't care if Kelsiee died for all I care." Asia said without even thinking about what she said.

"What?" Kayla walked closer to the couple. "Did you really say that?"

"Yeah she did. Now leave her alone." Andrew butted in.

"Stay out of my business!!" Kayla barked.

Kayla caused a scene as everyone began to stare. She jumped in front of Asia and immediately punched her in the face as she fell back dramatically. Andrew began to freak out and bark at Kayla. Luckily no securities were around, so she punched her once more angrily. Kayla couldn't believe that Asia didn't care if her niece died. She then ran out of the food court and returned back to Uncle Lenny's house.

"Hey. How was the talk?" Uncle Lenny asked rocking 8 month old Haley to sleep.

"Not so good. I think I sort of got my dad to think a little, but Asia she's just too far out there. She said "I don't care if Kelsiee died for all I care."

"Really?" Uncle Lenny's eyes widened as Kayla nodded slowly. "I don't think she meant that. You seen her boyfriend?"

"Ugh yeah he's cocky. I don't like him, but if A like him that's cool." Kayla shook her head. "He was with her at the mall."

"I agree with you. He's weird looking."

"Yeah I know. Is Haley asleep?" Kayla took a peek at her cousin.

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