Food > (Most) People

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After baring my whole past to dad, I just wanted to be alone. My headache still pounded through my skull, but I just pushed the pain away. Dad would probably overreact if I told him and take me back to the hospital. I hated hospitals. Too clean. Too white. It was all just fake and disgusting.

I stayed in my room for what seemed like forever, just drawing and listening to music. The guys probably understood not to bother me. Using the final page of my sketchbook, I drew out a skeleton from a picture n my phone. I only chose it because it required so much perfection and all I had was time to waste.

After countless of mistakes and trying to shade the bones with charcoal to make it look fancier, I decided that it was done. Maybe not by best, but definitely one of the hardest. I almost gave up when working on the skull, the angles were a complete pain in the ass.

Tugging up the hem of my gray Crooks and Castles crew neck, I examined the freshly healed scar that ran down my left side. God, it was ugly. Every ounce of me hated the hideous mark my mom had personally carved into me. I glanced down at the pencil sketch I had just finished, and back at my scar. It would be a perfect tattoo to cover the large flaw. I loved the idea, but it would probably take a bit of convincing for dad.

Who am I kidding, since when did I become so reliant on getting permission? I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Closing my sketchbook, I tucked a plan for a new tattoo in the back of my head.

Tugging my hair out of its messy ponytail, I brushed it all out. It had grown a lot, the tips were just above my diamond hip piercings. Hayley probably would jump at the opportunity of trimming it for me.

Checking the time on my iphone, I saw that it had turned 6 o'clock. I just spent eight hours in my room.

Well, fuck. The skeleton took a lot longer than I thought it would.

Adjusting my gold nose ring, I slipped out of my bedroom and down the hallway. Just before going down the stairs, I heard a bunch of people talking. Definitely more people than just Jaime, Tony, Mike and dad. I guess the other bands had come over.

Taking a deep breath, I quietly walked down the stairs. Of Mice & Men and Sleeping With Sirens were in the living room with all the guys. It looked like a few of them had brought girlfriends or whatever, and one woman held a small baby in her lap.

Jaime noticed I stood by the stairs and walked over.

"Aye, long time, no see" he joked

" we have any pizza?" I was starving and hadn't eaten since dinner last night

"As a matter of fact, we do"

I followed Jaime to the shiny silver fridge and waited while he pulled out a Pizza Hut box. The second he set it down, I snatched a large pepperoni slice. Jaime took one as well, and we just sat in the counter eating it.

Jaime had the same obsession with food as me, only he was about a foot taller than me and just ate a lot. When I lived in the foster home and on my own, I was rarely ever was able to eat more than once a day. The well stocked kitchen here was literally paradise.

There were only five slices of pizza in the cardboard box, and Jaime and I had each eaten two. I glanced down at the last piece, then back up to meet his gaze. We both lunged for it at the same time, and Jaime almost got the pizza, but I smacked his hand and grabbed it for myself. He yelped in shock and pulled his slightly pink hand back. When Jaime saw that I had gotten the food he wanted, I received an intense pair of puppy dog eyes.

"Nooo it's mine!" I rolled up the triangular slice of pizza like a burrito and took a big bite.

"You eat all weird"

I giggled and kept in eating the pizza-burrito, which by the way, was one of the best ideas I've ever had.

Dad and a few other guys walked over to me and Jaime in the kitchen.

"I take it you're Katrina?" Someone asked, I think he was from SWS

"Um, yeah"

"Heard a lot about you" he nodded

"Ok?" It probably wasn't that weird, but when someone says that to on the streets, you run before you get shot up

"Jaimeeeee!" I whined

"Whaaaaaat?" he imitated me

"Do we have anymore food?" three pieces of pizza what definitely not enough for me

"Go check for yourself"

"Ugh, fine" I slid off the kitchen counter and walked over to the fridge. The inside was practically overflowing with alcohol and leftovers. Yep, typical bachelor collection of food.

A white Chinese takeout box caught my eye. Standing on my tip toes, I plucked it off the top of a bunch of already filled shot glasses. The cardboard box was filled abut halfway with sweet and sour chicken, perfect. I started eating it without reheating it.

While dad and everyone else talked about whatever, I just sat in the corner eating and scrolling through twitter. Forever alone with just my food. I liked food better than most people anyways.


I looked up from my glowing iphone screen to see the same woman from the living room holding the baby.

"Hey" I smiled slightly. She was really pretty with wavy ish brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I'm Katelynne, Kellin's wife. And this little girl is Copeland" she gestured to the adorable chubby baby.

(A/N A lot of people write out Katelynne as a bitch in their fanfics, but idk I think she's gorgeous and I'm totally jealous. Yay for nice fanfics about Katelynne!)

"Awh! she's so cute" Copeland giggled and stuck her fingers in her mouth. Oh my god, I just died.

Katelynne smiled and I did too. We talked for a while about random stuff. Turns out she's addicted to fashion, and models for Anthem Made too. She found out about my slight obsession with Eminem and art. We compared tattoos and talked about new ones we wanted. Ever since my first tattoo, I've been searching for more ideas, and hopefully I'll be able to get the skeleton on my side.

Overall, I thought she was nice, and she treated me like someone her age. Most people talked to me like a little kid. I'm sixteen, not six.

Someone knocked on the front door, and Mike walked over to answer it. Before I could do anything, All Time Low burst in with more bottles of alcohol than I had in my entire stash. Add all that to what we already had in the house and what do you get? Too many drunk men to count.

Plus a possibly hammered minor, as well.


[insert apology for lack of constant and long updates]

but seriously guys, sorry

and if you have any ideas about where you'd like the story to go, tattoos for Katrina, a "lady friend" for Vic, or just anything really, please comment and I'll try my best to fit it into the story!



check out my tumblr? it's not really band related, it would probably be categorized as urban/fashion/tumblr style, idk but here's the URL


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