One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2

Start from the beginning

Madalyn: Its down there somewhere, right Najat?

Najat: Yep! And maybe later we could hang out again like old times! Ain't that right Ravage?

I was shocked at first and then I slipped on a piece of paper. I looked down to see a Transformers card.

Madalyn: What the? I slipped on something.

Najat: Oh that's just Ravage. Meet my Transformers partner guys!

Ravage: Hello.

Everyone: Hi Ravage.

Najat: Oh Ravage, stop being a little stinker!


We all walked down to the bottom of the canyon, and walked around with Najat leading the way.

Najat: This is Transformers Valley! Of course you guys already knew that. Any ways, the infinity core is in here somewhere. But I don't have a clue on where it is.

We all entered a nearby cave and ventured forward.

Madalyn: Lets just hope we're going the right way. The last thing I need is to get lost down here.

Najat: Hey wait just one minute, I think we should try this way gang!

Emanuel: Oh great! I'm starting to think she knows.

Madalyn: Hey wait a second, are you jealous Emanuel?

Emanuel: Don't be ridiculous!

Najat: Hey back off if you know what's good for you! Maddie was my best friend first bud!

Emanuel: Don't tell me who's your best friend and who isn't you blockhead!

Najat: Oh I'm a blockhead?! I am so not! Oh, and by the way, nice hair!

Emanuel: Grrrr! Ok that's it! Just face it! We're lost! We need to get out of here!

If things couldn't get any worse, it just did. Emanuel's screaming woke up a group of bats and they flew towards us. We ran down the trail screaming our heads off and turned only to run into a dead end filled with scorpions! We ran out and kept going straight down the tunnel. Me, Najat, Selina, and Emanuel ran into a door shaped wall and it fell to the ground, making an entrance to a secret room. David and Iestyn followed behind us.

David: You guys alright?

Selina: Peachy.

As we stood up, everyone looked up to see a rainbow glowing light coming from the ceiling of the room.

Najat: Whoa! This is amazing!

Optimus: This is the place.

All of a sudden our tablets glowed and our Transformers Partner's cards shot out of our tablets and into the glowing light above. There was a white flash of light and I slowly opened my eyes to see us all in a dark void of space. All of a sudden, symbols appeared beneath our feet. Me and Selina had the Autobot insignia, Emanuel had the Predacon insignia, Najat had the Minicon insignia, and David had the Dinobot insignia. Iestyn was nowhere to be found.

Madalyn: Hey?! What's going on? Optimus where are you?!

All of a sudden, in the middle of our circle a planet appeared. It was a mechanical one, with yellow glowing highlights.

Emanuel: What the heck?

Najat: This is too freaky!

Selina: Unbelievable!

David: Is this?....

Optimus: Yes.

We all looked to see Optimus, Bumblebee, Predaking, Ravage, and Grimlock looking down at us. Instead of hologram size, they were like 50 times bigger! 100 even!

One Goal Two Worlds (Transformers Legends) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now