The door to the cockpit opens as the plane engine stops.

“Hey, Laura. Your mom said that you would not have guards. She will be in the airport waiting for you. Not many people will recognize her since she’s dyed her hair.”

I raise my eyebrows toward him, “She dyed her hair?”

Malcolm smiles shrugging, “Sarah said something about she added highlights to her hair so she won’t easily be recognized. I believe she’ll be wearing a wig most of the time when she’s in New York.”

I roll my eyes standing to my feet after I remove the seatbelt. The hostess helps me grab my things from the plane as Malcolm opens the door to the side of the plane. The cold night air slips into the plane causing me to groan as I shiver.

“Mal, what was the point in that? It’s fucking freezing outside…”

Malcolm grins wickedly at me shrugging, “It’s actually snow covered ground outside. Not on the runway or anything.”

I shake my head with a smirk on my face as I pull my backpack on my back pulling out my pair of gloves. Standing at the exit of the plane, my entire body shakes from the cold as I tug my coat closer to my body. I swear under my breath as I walk down the stairs toward the ground.

The sky is dark black as I follow behind Malcolm toward the building. I can already imagine the chaos in the airport even at this time of night. I wonder if Robert will be with mom inside the airport or in the vehicle. Malcolm holds the door open as I smile at him entering the building. Just as I imagined there are thousands of voices echoing off the walls from people sitting down and standing up.

The TV’s are blasting so that everyone can hear the weather report or whatever is playing.

“Your mom didn’t say exactly where she’d be. I’m sure you can find her though,” says Malcolm loud enough for me to hear.

I merely roll my eyes knowing it should be a piece of cake to find her. She’s never just sitting around in something inconspicuous. She will be dressed over the top with some outfit that makes her look twenty years younger than she actually is.

“Tell her to just send the money to my account. It is fucking freezing here. I am going home; I am not coming back in the morning. I have other people to get that are more important than her ass.”

I nod frowning toward him as he turns away returning to the plane. He has to get himself, the hostess, and the plane back home considering he does not live around here and the jet usually sits in New York. Malcolm lives in Brooklyn so I can only assume that girl lives somewhere around New York.

My eyes gaze over the crowd of people in the waiting area but I come up empty. I sigh pulling my bag on my back closer as I walk over to baggage claim to find my luggage. The turn belt is spewing out bags for everyone around the front of the moving belt. I stand for a good five minutes before my familiar zebra print luggage comes up as I quickly reach out grabbing the first smaller bag of my luggage.

I pull the bag up my arm before reaching for another but a hand comes out before me. I jump back as I notice the hand being that of a male as he pulls back I take a look at him. For some reason my palms begin to sweat as I look over him taking in the hat and shades covering his face even though it’s pitch dark outside.

I notice that his entire face is not covered as the smirk spreads across his lips.


A goofy grin comes to my face, “Robert.”

He nods smiling, “Your mom thought it would be nice if I came in instead of her.”

I shake my head as he grabs the rest of my bags walking beside him through the airport.

Celebrity Love [Robert Pattinson Story] (Celebrity Crush Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora