How about my office

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Maya - 23
Lucas - 24


~ Maya's pov ~

I walked into John Adams Middle School. It look the same as it do when I was 11. Now I'm 23 and have a job at John Adams as an art teacher I've been here since last year when Mrs. Kossal passed away in a car accident. I absolutely loved working here but it's still sad considering the fact that I got the job because my old teacher died.

"Hey Miss hart" said I sexy smug voice behind me.

"Hello there mr friar wonderful day here in New York isn't it" I said .

"Why yes it is and the view is amazing" said Lucas  with a smirk.

"What are you thinking of cowboy"
I said.

" that you look mighty fine in lose tights hart" said Lucas with a smirk.

"What else might YOH be thinking of " I said

"You taking  off those tights" he said in a whisper into my ear.

"Well I think it's time that you go take a cold shower now don't you friar" I said with a smirk starting to see his boned appear as I touch his inner thigh.

"Care to join me in my office because I think you've been a bad girl miss hart" he said

"Actually i have a class to teach but maybe you could hang out in your office I think that there's Vaseline and paper towels on the nurses office" I said with a smile walking away.

"Really Hart" he said



~ Amaya

Lucaya OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now