"Ah, if you don't remember mine its Ivan."

"Yeah i didn't remember." I said.

"Why did you switch?" i asked.

"I and along with my parents didn't like the school. Mum and dad didn't like the school mainly."

"Oh, i didn't like the school but my parents kept me in."

"Oh." He said "How old are you?"

"Uh, 5." 

"I was wondering because i know some one who is here that is 6."

"Okay. When is your birthday?" I asked him.

"18 of June. Yours?"

"Mine too!" i smiled cheerfully.

"Cool, and the same year! So both our mum's were busy huh?" He laughed.

"Yeah, i guess so."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"One brother. You?"

"Im an only child."

"Whats that?"

"Im the only child."

"Oh!" i giggled shyly.

"Its okay, how old is your brother?"

"Hes 1. He turned one on the 4th."

"Week ago."


"Must of been cold."

"It was. Well i was only 4 so i stay'd who with me auntie."

"Ah." He luaghed.

"Are you doing anything on Saturday?" He asked.

"I don't know, i can check with me mum."

"Well i was wondering if you wanted to come over, if you wanted."

"I guess." I smiled.

"Okay then just ask and tell me tomorrow." He smiled and held his hand out.

"Wha...oh." I laughed and shook it.

"I don't know why i did that, i just did." He laughed.

Then we both walked back to class together. Ivan was now my new friend.


When mum picked me up i told her about Ivan and his invitation. She said that she was glad i made a friend.

"Hes also born on my birthday!" I grinned.

"Thats nice." My mum smiled.

We went home and i ate dinner then me and Mike got baths and went to bed. 


Mum dropped me off and i waited for Ivan. I was told to go into class, so with out Ivan to follow me i went and sat down. There were 5 other kids in there, one of them i noticed right off. She a few desks apart from me, and the only girl in the row. She was sitting down and concentrating on homework, or something. I hadn't noticed her, guess i was busy with other things. 

"Children, can i have your attention?" The teacher called.

Everyone looked up and the room became silent, the door opened and Ivan entered panting. 

"Sorry miss i was late." He apologized.

"It is alright, stay up here." 

Ivan looked at me worriedly. I shrugged.

"Im going to have a seating chart because last time some people were destracted."

Everyone grumbled.

"We'll arrange it in alphabetic order." She began calling out names, i hope Ivan was an N or ...O. 


I went and sat down where she pointed, i was seated next to a girl. Then she called the next name.

"Maloy." The girl that was reading something came and sat next to me. 

I was surrounded by girls. Ivan went and sat int he back, his name was Vaughan. He was the last one.

I attempted to get to know this girl. I whispered hello to her. I wanted to try to make friends, and be like Ivan who can just go up to some one and say 'hello!'

She turned her head and smiled, and waved a little. Then turned back. I wrote something down, with my 'nice' writing, i hope she can read it, and passed it to her. She then wrote back.

Her name was Hannah, and she said she's been here a long time. 

I felt something towards this girl. I couldn't tell what it was i just felt something. Like, im not sure. Anyways, class ended and Ivan caught me and we went to lunch, I lost sight of Hannah after that. 

"I can come! Just me mum is going to be a little late because she is just getting off work."

"What does your mum do?" Ivan asked.

"Nurse...no midwife."

"You know thats about the same thing."

"Well, i know but i just wanted to get that right."

"Im thinking of having a party, with all my friends, including you. We could celebrate ours together!" 

"Thats a ways off isn't it?"

He counted on his fingers up to June. "5."

"5s a lucky number."


"I don't know, i just said that." I laughed. 


I passed by Hannah as i left, she was talking to another girl, i said bye and she looked at me then waved, then her and her friend giggled. Ivan was with another friend and yelled bye as i walked out with mum.

"How was school."

"Good! I think, Ivan said he can have me eating supper..." I paused, my sentence was messed up, so i corrected myself, "Ivan said that i could eat dinner with him, if it was okay with you."

"Thats fine with me. You want to do that?"


"Okay." She smiled. 

We drove home and i played with Mike, dad played his piano while we coloured. Then we ate dinner, Mike got put to bed before. Then i spent time in the family room, my dad sat down to do a crossword puzzle, my mum read, i sat next to dad watching him put letters into the little squares.

"Are they fun?" I asked.

"Yes, they help with your vocabulary more."

"Can i try?" I asked excitedly.

"Your a bit to young to do those Paul, there not as easy as you think." Mum said looking up from her book with a smile.

"It may look easy, but its not. You have to answer these clues." Dad pointed to a list of words below the big box. I cocked my head and tried to read a few, i couldn't understand most of them.

My mum shut her book and put it on the stand next to her. She stood up and told me to follow her. I took a bath and got in bed. It was cold. Mum put another blanket on as i asked for. I had 4 blankets at least. 


"Yes?" She asked turning around from the door.

"May i sleep with you and daddy?" I asked.

"You cold?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, come on." She said. I jumped out of bed and took her hand. We walked down to her bedroom and i got in. Dad came in a few minutes later and got in bed. I curled up to mum's warm body and put my arm as far as it could go around her. She pushed my hair back and kissed me. Then mum and dad kissed and went to sleep. I was still cold, but at least i had some one to curl up with.

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