Chapter 20

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Ally's POV

I sat up in the bed as Officer Carl gave me back my phone. "Do you mind telling me why you were alone in the street in the middle of the night, and why you wouldn't answer that phone call?" I told him everything, starting from my first kiss with Mani and the Arin fiasco, then the three month break and our three week breakup, to the club and the shame I felt for being drunk last night. I'm sure I didn't need to tell him half of that stuff, but he was a good listener and I felt like it distracted him from figuring out that I was underage.

I finished my story just as another officer walked in. "You Ally?" He asked. I nodded and he turned to give directions to the people standing outside of the room. "Only two at a time." He tells them. Camila and Dinah came in first. They hugged me and told me how much they were glad I was okay, but I wasn't really listening. Lauren came in alone and did the same thing, but all I could think about was Normani.

I stared at the floor and held my breath when I saw Mani's favorite black heels step into the room. "Ally!" She cried before wrapping me in a tight hug. I didn't answer her, but I did hug her back. "Oh my God are you okay?!" She asked frantically, brushing my hair out of my face. I nodded and she sat down on the bed next to me. "Where were you?!"

"I took a walk." I answered.

"In the middle of the night?!"

"I didn't think you'd care."

"You didn't think I- why in the world would you say that?! I love you, Ally, you know that!"

"Mani, you said you were disappointed in me! That you couldn't trust me!" I lowered my voice when I realized that Carl was still in the room. "You didn't even sleep with me. I thought that you had stopped caring completely."

"I would never do that!" She promised me. "What you said was true but I would never, ever stop caring about you, baby." I felt a lump form in my throat and I shut my eyes tight. "Plus, putting yourself in danger doesn't help anyone."

"I'm sorry about last night." I tell her as a few tears started to spill over. "I don't know what I was thinking; I was being stupid."

"Yeah, you were." She said as she started to cry too. "But I forgive you; I'm just glad you're okay."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder. She hugged me back and stroked my hair. "Take me home.." I whispered.

"Okay, baby..."

Normani's POV

"Are you hungry?" I asked Ally once we got back to the apartment. She nodded.

"I barely ate anything last night and I got a lot of exercise walking around. Did you guys eat?"

I shook my head. "Camila convinced us that you went out to get us breakfast so we didn't make any."

"Well it's almost noon so I guess its too late for breakfast..."

"Let's make a cake!" Camila shouted.

"No, Camz, a cake is not lunch." Lauren laughed.

"Plus," Dinah added. "We have to be able to fit in the outfits we bought for the concert in a couple of days."

Camila groaned. "Fine, but we have to eat something!"

" about we make some sandwiches?" Ally suggested.

"But that's boring!"

"Well, what do you  want?!" Lauren asked.

"I want a cake!"


"I don't know!"

"Then you're not getting a cake!"

Camila sighed and pouted in silence.

"Yeah, okay, we're making sandwiches." I tell them.

About An Hour Later

Still Normani's POV


I was laying down in our bed, about to take a nap when I opened my eyes to see Ally hovering over me. "Yeah Allycat?"

"I love you..."

"I love you more...wait."


"Did you lock the door?" She giggled and nodded before lowering herself on top of me. I smiled into the kiss when our lips finally touched after four days. It was soft and slow; totally worth the wait. She pulled away and I got this really weird feeling in my stomach, almost as if I were falling in love all over again. She brushed her nose against mine and kissed all over my face. "Ally?"


"Are you going to stop leaving me now?"

She nodded and pressed her lips against mine again. "I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry too, baby..."

"Do you think you'll ever trust me again?"

"I do..."


"Swear..." She got off of me and laid next to me in the bed.



"How drunk was I?"

I smiled at her. "When we got back into the car, before you fell asleep, you kept asking if we were on the magic school bus."

She burst out laughing. "The magic school bus?!"


"Was I singing the song?"

"There's a song?! Is there something you would like to talk to about, Ally?" She giggled again and burried her head in my neck. "I love you, Allycat." I whispered.

"That's the third time you've said that to me in the last two hours."

I nodded. "And I'll stop saying it when it stops being true."

A/N: Hii okay soo umm I don't really know what to say but I'm still accepting ideas (if you don't know what I mean then read the "Please Read" thing that was posted yesterday) because I need some haha. But, comment and vote, and read and byeee :-) :-P ;-) O:-)

P.S.- That gif...I just can't stop laughing they're so stupid but I love it lol :-D

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