Chapter Ten

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"When was the last time you've had your period?" The doctor asked me.
" about over 2 months now?" I said worriedly.
"I need you to take this in the bathroom over there and come out when your done" she smiled at me. I took the white box and went into the bathroom.

I opened it and saw what it was. A pregnancy test. Why? I'm not pregnant am I? Of course I'm not, i need to have sex to become pregnant. I took the test, confident that it would say negative.

After a few minutes, I came out of the bathroom and gave the test back to her. She asked me a few more questions about my health before the timer rang. "Time to see the results" she sprang, picking up the test. "We'll Miss, congratulations, your pregnant" my whole world crashed before me.
"I can't be. I haven't had sex" I said, my hands shaking uncontrollably.
"On the test, it says you've been pregnant for 2 months and 3 weeks now".

I shook her hand 'goodbye' and left with the leaflet she gave me 'single mothers'. I'm not a single mother. I'm happily taken by my Jonathan. I folded the leaflet and put it in my pocket. I decided to go the store and buy 6 pregnancy tests. Just to be sure. I brought a huge Mc Donald's meal and headed home.

Marcel & Brock left the crew because they didn't want to endanger their girlfriends, everyone understood of course. I even see them from time to time, it's always fun to catch up with them.

I unlocked the door and headed to the kitchen. I instantly dropped my food and purse onto the floor. The guys were screaming so loud.
"SHUT UP!" I yelled as I picked up my food and purse. They all soon became quite, knowing i'd kill them in there sleep if they kept screaming at a stupid game.
"Where'd you go?" Jonathan said as he walked over to me.
"Just went to get food" I lied. I walked into my room and took the pregnancy tests. I ate my Mc Donald's on the toilet while I waited. I looked at my watch, it was time to check the results. Sweat started to form around my face and hands.


I went to the store to buy some more food. I was in the fruit aisle, when I saw a woman who looked a lot like Danielle.
"Danielle?" I said.
"Um hi" she said as she turned around. She looked different, she looked bigger. I looked at her stomach and then at her.
"Oh um. I need to tell you something after I get my food" she said as she continued to shop.

We were driving back to the house. "What do you need to tell me?" I asked. "Evan I'm 3 months pregnant" she said. I could hear her voice shake. My mind went blank.
"Your what? When? Where? Who?" I said franticly.
"Its not Jonathan's." Was all she said.
"Whose is it?" I asked. My mind still processing.
"I went to a club a few months ago and let's say, the only thing I could remember is that I'm on top of a guy..." She said trailing off.
"What did the others say?"
"I haven't told them. What do I do?" She was asking for advice but I honestly didn't know what to say.
"I think you should tell Tyler then Jonathan". She nodded and the rest of the journey was silent.

"Tyler and Jonathan I need to talk to you" I said as I poked both of them. They both walked into my room and sat on the bed. I sat on the chair.
"What's up?" Tyler asked.
"I'm 3 months pregnant" I said holding my breathe. I could see the betrayal in Jonathan's eyes.
"Who?" Jonathan said quietly.
"I believe it was some guy at a club. Jonathan this happened months ago, before we were together. I love you" I said. He stood up and hugged me "I love you too. I won't ever leave your side". Tyler got up and joined in the hug. I made them both promise not to say anything to the other guys.



~ Smiley X

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