Chapter Six

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I woke up at the usual training time, 4:30 am, we're leaving in half an hour. I looked to my left and saw a sleeping Danielle. I nudged her to wake up. She only said "I'm not training if its this early" and went back to sleep. An evil thought popped into my head. I quickly ran to the kitchen and filled a bucket up with super cold water. I started to walk back to my room, until all the guys were in the hallway. Staring at me then the bucket. They all had a scared looks on their faces. " I suggest you guys quickly get ready and hop into the jeep. She'll probably kill anyone in her sight" before I said anything else, they all ran back into their rooms to get ready.

A few moments later, they all had ran outside and locked themselves in the jeep. I smirked and walked into my room. "It's a shame, you look cute when you sleep" I whispered in her ear before pouring the freezing cold water on her. She automatically sprung up. Her eyes filled with anger, and I swear they turned red. "EVAN!" She yelled as she stormed towards me. I quickly ran out of the room and headed towards the jeep. "YOU BETTER HURRY UP OR WE'll TIE YOU TO THE BACK OF THE JEEP" I shouted as I entered the driver's seat. "Wait, where is she going to sit?" I exclaimed, everyone glanced at each other.

"That little di*k sucking, turtle fu*king, elephant humping BIT*H!" I screamed angrily as I quickly put on my athletic wear ( picture above ) and put in some brown contacts and wrapped my bandana around my face.

'I won't show them my face, if they won't show me theirs' I thought as I went outside and opened the jeep doors, I quickly looked at everyone. Giving Evan the magical finger. "Where am I sitting?" I questioned angrily. Still clearly pissed off about the rude awakening. No one have eye contact accept for Delirious. "Alright then" I chirped. After adjusting myself on his lap, the car sped off into the forest.


We're finally here. I stared at the huge warehouse. Everyone got out of the jeep and walked towards the warehouse. I was still in the car, because, Danielle decided to go to sleep. I lifted my mask up, only revealing my lips. I gently started to kiss her neck and slowly went up to her jawline, kissing towards her ear. She turned her head. I accidentally kissed her bandana, where her lips would be. "What are you doing?" She asked. I stopped kissing her neck and looked into her eyes, they were brown now. Before I could speak she whispered, "I didn't say stop". I smirked and was about to kiss her neck, when Lui started to scream at us. "GET OUT! TRAINING TIME!" We both groaned and exited the car, making our way to the warehouse.

I watched as Jonathan and Danielle walked inside the warehouse. Anger spread inside me. 'He's not taking her away from me' I thought as I glared at him.

Delirious always acts over protective when he's with a girl. He had 2 girlfriends. The first one cheated on him, so he slit her and the guy's throat. The second tried to leave him but he tracked her down and beat her with a bat until she died and was unrecognisable. He thinks what's his, is ALWAYS and ONLY his. So, if anyone tried to take anything of his away without permission, he'd kill them. If one of his possessions tried to leave or did something against him, he'd kill them. He thought this past lovers weren't pure enough. He's psychotic! If he touches my baby sister I'll kill him! He won't have her!

My thoughts were interrupted by Evan giving us orders, "We'll have a ring fight, then we'll go to our stations until 12! Any volunteers? Nope? Okay, Wildcat. Delirious. Ring now" I grinned, this will teach him.

I walked into the ring, instantly in my fighting stance. He made the first move. I quickly dodged it, I looked to my left and saw Danielle watching me. She's so per-. Tyler hit me hard in the face. "Jesus man!" I yelled while clutching my mask. He kept hitting my face or stomach, I dodged most of them. But the ones I didn't dodged, hit me like a bus. He suddenly used all his force to punch me square in the face, instantly knocking me into the cold floor. He knelt down and whispered in my ear "she's mine! And I'll kill you if you go anywhere near her" my heart sank. But she was my Angel. He got up and walked out the ring.

Delirious hasn't even looked at me once. Every time I go near him, he'd walked away. I shrugged it off, maybe he doesn't feel what I feel. Oh well. I walked back to Evan. He was giving me guns to try out and to see what I could do with them. Every weapon he gave me I aced, either with a perfect head shot or a perfect chest shot. "Damn, your really good. How'd you know how to use every gun and shot perfectly?" He questioned. I simply shrugged. I don't trust any of them accept for Tyler. I was beginning to trust Delirious, but that was my mistake, it won't happen again. "You could of hid those cameras in my flat better" I said, changing the subject. He looked at me with a shocked expression. "How'd yo-"
"How'd I know? I've been trapped there for 9 years. I can tell when something is different, plus, your scent was still lingering around my flat" I said while throwing the knifes perfectly at the targets. "Sorry" his voice was full of guilt.
"your forgiven, I'm just surprised my father hasn't tried to find me yet".
"About that, you might want to talk to Wildcat about that" he said not making eye contact.

I walked over to Tyler; who was punching a punching bag like there was no tomorrow. "Where's father?" He stopped mid punch. I heard him gulp. "He's not taking you away from me again, Dani"
"You killed him?" I questioned. He nodded. Relief took control over my body, but I could tell he felt about guilty about killing him. I gave him a tight hug. "It's okay Tyler, he cared about his gang more than his own children" I said quietly. "You have me now Dani. You have us. We're your family" I felt his tears drop into my shoulder.
"Your my only family, those are strangers I live with now" I replied coldly. He sighed, "Dani. I trust these 'strangers' with my life. I hope you can feel that strong bond too."
"Why do you wear the bandana?" He continued as he gave me a questionable look. I sighed and simply said "I'll tell you later" before finishing off 'Evan's evaluation'.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. In the next few chapters, it starts to get juicy MWMWMHAHAAHA.

~ Smiley X

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