Chapter Nine

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It was 2 am when I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out. 'Probably Food poisoning from that restaurant' I thought. I decided to go out for a little walk.

I was in the beautiful streets of Los Santos, the lamp posts glistening through the night. I was so distracted by the bright lights I needed up in an ally way. I turned around to walk back home, when 5 men stood in my way. "Excuse me" I said politely.
"Sorry darling, but we can't let the Vanoss crew slut go" one of the men said cockily. Before I could kick their asses, a cloth was put around my mouth. Soon enough, I slowly started to drift to sleep, the lights withering away.


I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry, so I took the chance to use my other senses to know where I am. I could feel rope around my hands and legs, and I could feel my butt sitting on something steel. A chair.

"Is the camera set?" A man said.
"Yes boss. The connection is clear and broadcasting." Another said. I looked around the room, my vision clearing up. "Ah, look whose awake, the little slut" the 'boss' said. I growled at his comment. "Fiesty" was all he said before starting up the camera. I noticed 2 men on either side of me and another by the door. The 'boss' was by the camera which was in front of me. And the last guy was by the window. "Small bit*h squad" I commented. He laughed and slapped me across my face, I didn't show any sort of emotion nor react back, I saw a little fright in his eyes. "These men are better than a whole army!" He said before going back to the camera.
"Hello the Vanoss crew, I took your little slut, and know you can watch as I torture her into giving us every single last information about you!" He said to the camera, which had started to record. He grabbed a knife and walked up to me. I wasn't fazed. "What are their names? He said
"Why don't you ask your mum? She was screaming them last night" I spat. He growled and stabbed my shoulder, leaving the knife in there. I giggled a bit and said "is that all you got sweetheart?" He growled and stabbed my leg with another knife.

I continued to laugh as he kept stabbing me with knives. I had a knife in my left shoulder, both legs, one in my left foot and a cut along my right arm; hand to shoulder long. He furiously growled, as he didn't get anywhere. He went back to the table full of torture weapons.

I slowly began to untie my hands. I pulled the knife out from my shoulder, using my mouth and threw it and the guard by the door. '1 down 4 to go" I though has the guards started to find the cloth to put me to sleep. I grabbed the two knives from my legs and stabbed both guards next to me, in the head. '2 more' I threw the knife from my foot to the other guard' head. "And then there was one" I said walking up to the 'boss'. He fell on the floor with fear. I laughed at his terrified face. "I'm the demon in your day dreams" I aid before slotting his throat.

I looked at the clock. 3:12 am. I looked back at the camera and it seemed to have turned off. I smashed it and tried to open the door. It was locked, great. I broke the window and jumped down to a staircase. I walked down and started to fast walk to the house.

3:56 am. I was in the med room stitching myself up. The alcohol really did hurt. After mending myself up, I walked towards my room. I stopped at Jonathan's door. 'A little cuddle wouldn't hurt' I thought as I snuck into his bed. "Danielle?" He said tiredly. "Shhh baby, go to bed" I whispered in his ear while stroking his hair. His head was laying on my chest and our hands were intertwined. We both drifted into a deep dreamless sleep.

I was woken up by the sound of my computer beeping. I looked at my clock. 10 am. 'Really?' I thought. I headed to the computer room and logged into it. I immediately got a notification saying 'video message'. I opened it and watched a guy torturing Danielle. I yelled "GUYS!". Everyone came bolting in, accept Jonathan.
"What is it Craig! I was sleeping!" Tyler said angrily.
"You need to watch this..." I played it back to the start. After the recording finished, I looked back at the guys, they all were shocked. She was kidnapped and saved herself. She's a badass. We all walked into Danielle's room. She wasn't there. This was real. "JON!" Marcel called out, nothing. We all barged into his room and were surprised at what we saw.

Danielle and Jonathan were cuddling each other. I though she was taken? "How?" I whispered. Evan slowly and carefully walked over to Danielle and lifted the blanket off her. There were bloodstains on the blanket. Evan slowly picked her up. All of our faces dropped. She had stab wounds in her leg, shoulder and foot. She also had a long cut on her arm. "She stitches it up quite well" Lui said analysing her. "What happened?!" Tyler shouted. Jonathan was a deep sleeper, so he couldn't hear. "Fu*k off. I want to sleep" Danielle groaned. She wrapped her legs around Evan's torso and laid her head on her hands; which were on Evan's torso. "We need to wash off the blood" Evan said.
"What do you suggest? We bathe her?" Moo joked.
"Yes" Evan said seriously. All the guys looked at each other.
"Knowing you horny bast*rds, I'll let Evan do it" Tyler threatened. Evan nodded and walked to Danielle's room.

"You need to get changed into a bathing suit or something" Evan said.
"Okay" I said tiredly. I got dressed in a 2 piece bathing suit as Evan got the bath ready. I sat on the bed waiting for him, I couldn't walk, my legs felt numb. Evan came over to me and picked me up with ease.

He placed me in the bath slowly. I winced in pain as the warm water reacted with my wounds. Soon I was fully in the bath. The bath was filled with blood, it was soon cleaned away but the bath cleaning thing ( I don't know what they're called ).

"What happened?" He asked. I told him everything that happened. He had a shocked expression, but it was soon replaced with a worried look. "I should've been there to protect you" he whispers quietly. I was confused at first but his body language shows he's nervous. Why would he be nervous?
Does he like me?


Does Evan like Danielle?! Will Jonathan find out? WILL DAVID STOP TALKING ABOUT THE POTATO?! We'll soon find out.

~ Smiley X

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