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Rosette entered the shop the next day looking flustered and upset. She approached the counter with a look on her face that made Oscar's heart break.

"Why do you look so sad?" Oscar asked her as he prepared her sundae.

Rosette bit her lip, as if nervous to tell him. After a couple of minutes, she sighed and said, "My boyfriend. He... He broke up with me. Last night."

Oscar should've been upset for her, he knew he should've, but the first feeling he had was a small amount of joy. This made him feel guilty and so he said, "R, I'm so very sorry."

Rosette smiled weakly and told him that it was okay; they hadn't been as "together" for a while now. She apologised for never even telling Oscar that she had had a boyfriend, but he promised that it was fine; after all, he didn't have to know everything about her personal life.

After giving Rosette her sundae, Oscar asked his mum to take over his shift so he could cheer Rosette up.

"Eat your sundae," he told her. "And then I'm taking you somewhere."

Rosette raised an eyebrow but didn't question anything. She ate her sundae and she still smiled with every bite. It made Oscar feel better to know that the sundae was helping.

After Rosette finished her sundae, Oscar told her to follow him. He left the shop and walked down the road until he found the local gardens.

"It's beautiful here," Rosette commented as they walked through it.

She was right; there were lots of flowers and the cherry blossoms were starting to flower too.

Rosette looked over at Oscar to find him already looking at her. Her cheeks went a little pink and she smiled.

"Can... Can I try something?" Oscar asked her quietly.

She nodded and, a second later, Oscar had leaned in and his lips were on hers. Rosette was slightly startled but she relaxed into the kiss and kissed him back.

Neither of them cared that they had only known each other for four days. They knew how they felt, and they knew that it was right.

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