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It's been a week since I talked to Alex .

1 freaking week !
What did I even do that Alex is so mad at me ?!
He's been ignoring me in school , he DOSENT even open his window now . And the classes we have together , he DOSENT even glance at me !
I open my window , hoping he would be there , waiting for me . But expectedly , he isn't .
I sigh , closing my window , I go down . Quickly , I drink my orange juice and eat the sandwich and run out .
I had to say Violet about this .
When I started the car and came in front of Alex's home , I saw him getting out . He looked at me , and I smiled . But he turned his face eventually , and started his bike . I started riding the car too , hurt , deep inside .
" Hey Vi . " I said in sad tone .
" Hey Skii . "
" Alex isn't talking to me since a whole freaking week . "
" Why ?! "
" I wish I knew . "
" Ask him . "
" He ignores me ! Haven't u noticed lately ?! " I said , my voice rising .
" Okay , okay . Calm down ! Why are u so upset ? " she said , laughing .
" Because !! URGH . Leave it Vi . " I said irritably .
She nudged me . " Why so upset ? " she asked me several times .
I got so irritated that I finally yelled , " Because I freaking like him ! "
Violet smiled . " I knew u did . "
Oh my god . Did I just say that ?!
Getting out of the car , I saw Chris coming in my direction .
" Oh hey Chris . " I said , waving .
" Hey Skii . "
" What brings you here ? "
" Oh I just wanted to ask what's wrong between u and Alex . "
I rolled my eyes . " Somethings wrong with that dude . "
" Did u say him something ? " he asked .
" No ! After getting the sun lotion he hasn't talked a word to me ! "
" Oh that's weird . "
" Yes ! " I said , sighing .
He remained quiet for a moment .
" Do u like him ? " he asked .
" What ? "
" I said , do u like him ? " he said , this time more slowly .
I blushed . " U do , don't u ? "
I looked up at him . " Guess so . "
He smiled , keeping an arm around my neck . " Knew u did . "
I saw Alex coming toward us , but when up he saw I was with Chris , he froze .
What was wrong with this guy ?!
" I have to go , Chris . Thank u . Bye . "
" Bye Skii . "
With that , I and Violet rushed to our Biology class .
Violet sat with her new friend , Katy, while I sat in the seat which was empty . I realized Alex too had a class with me . I tensed up . Looking around , I realized it was late and all the seats were taken . After a few minutes the sir started the lesson , Alex came in .
" What makes u so late , Mr Ryder ? " Sir Mattew asked sternly .
" I got stuck in traffic . " he lied .
I rolled my eyes . " Take a seat beside Ms Peterson . "
Alex looked at me . He then came and sat next to me . 5 minutes before the bell rang , Alex said ,
" So , did u enjoy the kiss ? "
I looked at him , my jaw dropped .
Did he seriously thunk I would kiss that - well whatever .
" What ?! "
" U know what I mean . "
" I didn't kiss that idiot ! "
" Yes You did . "
" Did u see us ? "
" I did and that's why I'm saying all this . "
" I cannot believe you ! Did u see us kiss ?! "
He shrugged . " Till whatever I saw , u two must have kissed . " I was gonna say him something but the bell . I shot him a look and went outside .
I groaned when I realized we had all classes together today .
This was gonna be a tough day .
During lunch break , me and Violet had bought our lunch with us . So we decided to eat it outside .
" So , Vi , how was your tes- "
" Hey Violet ! " I was interrupted by Katy .
" Hey Katy . What's wrong ? "
" Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to ask if u would like to have lunch with me and my girls . "
Violet looked at me . " Can she come ? "
" Sure ! "
" Come on , Skii . " Violet said , dragging me .
" No thanks , Vi . I'll eat my lunch out . Enjoy . " I said , giving her a smile .
" U sure ? "
" Sure , babe . Now go . "
I started singing myself a song while sitting down and eating .
Did I do something wrong , Alex ?

💎Alex Ryder💎
I cannot believe this is happening between us . Why would Thomas and Skii kiss ? I don't think Skii even likes Thomas . And then she would lie to me that they didn't kiss .
" Hey dude . " Chris said .
" Huh ? Yeah. What were you talking about ? "
" Nothing much . What's going on between u and Skii ? "
I snorted .
" What's wrong ? " Chris asked again .
Erick was no where to be seen .
" Thomas and Skii kissed . "
Chris looked shocked .
" U did what ?! " he said to Thomas .
" We didn't kiss ! We hugged ! I leaned in front of her to do that but she pushed me away . "
What ?!
" She didn't even hug me back ! "
" Why would u do that ?! " I asked him .
" I just wanted to see if she likes me . But she DOSENT . "
" Now go to her Alex . Apologize . Say her u like her . " Chris said .
" I might apologize . But saying I like her , not happening . "
He slapped his plan of her forehead . " Fine . Do whatever u want . "
I got up to search for Skii and I saw her with Chris . She was crying .
I ran toward them but the bell rang and Skii disappeared in thin air .
Chris turned toward me , and turned away in disgust .
Great ! My best friend and the girl I like are totally mad at me now .
Why does this always have to happen with me ?!
In Math class , I sat beside Skii even though she argued with me a little that she wanted to spend time with Skii .
" Hey Skii . " I whispered .
Skii looked up at me . Her cheeks were wet and I felt a big burden on me .
" What do u want , Alex ? " she said , her voice angry .
" Just some understanding . "
Sitting beside her and plopping the bag on the floor , I said , " I'm sorry for today. Actually , the whole week , right ? Sorry . "
She turned her head when the miss entered .
When I tried to talk to her again , she said me , " Shhh . I have to concentrate . " . But I knew very well that she couldn't concentrate as well .
The whole day passed by and she didn't speak a word with me , which was very , very unlike her .
What am I gonna do ?!
Skii was walking beside the lockers opposite to mine , but she didn't even glance at me . So she was pretty damn mad .
I was staring at her and I didn't realize there was a girl standing right in front of me . We both bumped into each other but she luckily didn't fall .
" Watch where your going ! " A familiar voice shouted .
Now Skii looked at me , frozen in her place .

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