27| Secret Motion of Things

Start from the beginning

Had Sebastian really been a spy? Is that how the priestess found me in the Red Keep? Maybe he knew I was the missing princess before I had even known? Questions pile as lost thoughts in my head, as I attempt to filter through my life as a princess.

"You're going to send yourself to an early grave." Jaime was calmly standing behind me, apprehension lining the lines on his forehead. "Come... Let's take a walk... The fresh air will do you some good." He offers his arm, and I do not resist.

He slowly guides me out of the tent, and into the fresh air outside. The smell of dinner drifts through the air, smoked sausage and baked ham. Two of three small children run around, chasing what appears to be a stray dog. Everything was so normal. Yet, as I pass through the camp, normality ceased to exist. The children stopped to stare, and all those around bowed at my approaching stature.

Jaime redirects my attention, pointing to an old man who was standing hunched over. He was leaning against a standing pole that held the Lannister Flag. "This is Ser Aeron. He was a knight long before your mother and I were born. He even knew your grandmother. We both thought speaking with him would calm your mind. He tells the best stories throughout the seven kingdoms." He softly pulls me in the old man's direction.

Even from a distance, he smelled of the smokes of Casterly Rock. As though he spent most of his later years just sitting by a fire as he looked into the flames. However, as we continued to walk closer to the aged man, I realized that under two layers of cloaks, he was still wearing his armor. This man was probably eighty years old, and he was still wearing the armor that was bestowed to him in his earlier life. A vow taken for life.

"Ser Aeron, this is my niece, Cersei's daughter." Jaime pushes me into the last little bit of space that separated Ser Aeron from myself. Ser Aeron's armor creaks with instability, as though it would fall apart at any moment. "Cersei's daughter, yah say? Let me see er'."

I was in the direct path of Ser Aeron's gaze. At eighty years old, and his eyes are still a vibrant blue, proving the point that the skies encased within his eyes had never aged, the experiences and adventures had never left.

"What's yur name?"

I look at Jaime for reassurance, and he gives me a curt nod. "Charlotte, sir."

"Your fathar?"

"Robert Baratheon, sir."

Ser Aeron takes a step towards me, looking me directly in the eyes. "I can see the spirit stirring within your soul, young one. There is much power inside you." He glances over at Jaime. "Leave us, Kingslayer. I have much to discuss with Cersei's daughter." His voice changes from missing syllables to dignified words with annunciation within a matter of seconds.

Jaime leaves immediately, not even catching my glare as I watch him make his way back towards his father's tent. Why are you leaving me alone?

"So, I heard the knight that was poisoned was your lover?"

"Poisoned..." I looked up at Ser Aeron. "That's how he died?" Ser Aeron offers his hand. "Your mind is still so innocent, barely touched with the rages of war. I yearn to be back in that mindset." His hand is still offered to me, and I had yet to take it. Seeing my unease, Ser Aeron retreats to the nearest tent, and comes back moments later with a treat in his hand. "Apple pie? They were one of your mother's favorite sweets."

"I've never tried apple pie before..." I carefully take the plate, and smell the apple spices before placing it in my mouth. "I didn't know my mother liked apple pie." In contrast to everything that's happened within the past few weeks, I had never been given the chance to know her. I place a piece of the pie in my mouth, letting it melt and savoring the fresh pieces of apples and warm spices.

"She would beg the cooks to make them for her as a child." A soft smile fills his wrinkled face. "Cersei was a persistent child, and would always get what she wanted in the end. I imagine she's still like that."

Ser Aeron glances around the camp, focusing on two children playing with sticks. "An old man like me likes to look at the past and imagine how the future could've been made better. An old man knows things because he watches. The secret motion of things that play out, or could have played out changes everything."

He points to the ground nearest the fire softly glowing behind us. "Have a seat, Charlotte. There are some things I have to tell you about your brother." I nonchalantly stare at the ground at which he was pointing. "My brother?"

"Your mother secretly sent me a message when she knew you were safely in Casterly Rock. The ravens are being intercepted by your brother, so she was only able to send me this one." Ser Aeron pulls a note from his left pocket, and unfolds it in front of me. My mother's handwriting was already distinguishable from the distance between him and I.

After a long moment of staring, I willfully sit down beside the fire as though he was about to tell me a fantasy story about Kings and Queens who defeated dragons. However, none such words would come from his mouth. Joffrey is managing to ruin my life hundreds of miles away.

"Have you heard what Joffrey decreed in King's Landing three days prior?"

I look at him with daggers in my eyes. Even the mention of his name brings anger raging through my body. "No, sir. Quite frankly, I wish you didn't have to tell me. Joffrey may be my blood, but he will never be my brother. Anything that concerns him, I do not wish to be a part of."

"You don't have a choice in the matter of this one, miss."

I fiddled with the hem of my dress. You have no choice in the matter. "What has Joffrey done?" Utter disappointment and defeat rings in my voice. I lean my head on my hands as I continue to look at the ground. "He's rid your existence from King's Landing. If you ever step foot into the city, he will have you slaughtered. Hatred is a strong thing, and can fuel the lowest of men."

My eyes widen. My home. "I can never see my family again..." The concern for the crown was beyond me. All I could think of was the suffering that has befallen my family. "My mother wouldn't allow such things to happen?"

"She tried her best, Charlotte. Only she can do so much." Sympathy fills his eyes, the reflection of my face fitting perfectly into his pupils. Eyes of anger and sadness. "Why? Why is all of this happening now? Why not when I was in King's Landing? Why not allow me to return to the castle? Why?"

"You were under the protection of your family, many of which have left or disappeared. Robert, Ned... Jaime's here in Casterly Rock. There is none left to protect you anymore."

My breath left my body. Ned. "What happened to Eddard Stark?" The words that left my mouth were merely a whisper, almost lost in the wind as I try to keep my eyes open. He can't be dead. "What has my wicked brother done to him?"

"Treason against the King. He was imprisoned, and many of his men were captured and slaughtered. I'm so sorry... I know how much that man meant to you. He was your father for so long. He watched over you and raised you. No one will be able to replace him."

"You talk as though he's dead..." A linger of hope resides in my heart. He's not dead. I look off into the distance, a sigh of relief escaping from my mouth. The setting sun was reflecting off the mountains near Casterly Rock, leaving the sky in beautiful shades of orange, yellow, and pink. I could only stare in awe as this was only part of the day that I could rejoice and be glad in 

"I don't think you quite understanding what I'm trying to tell you." Ser Aeron kicks up dust below his feet, moving as though his next words brought great discomfort. "Eddard Stark is sentenced to die." He looks at me with solemn eyes. "He won't be alive for much longer."

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