28| My Greatest Blessing

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"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."

Author's Note: I intend, to yet again, update this story

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Author's Note: I intend, to yet again, update this story. I have come to the realization that I at least need to finish season one before I think of updating another book. This will always be my first book, and I cannot thank you enough for all of the support given. Charlotte's story isn't over yet! I may be changing the format of the chapters, and even adding a cast list. So be looking for those changes in the near future.

Third Person POV

"There is only one thing left to do, and it shall be done. It was only a matter of time before the truth was to be revealed, and I intend on using it to usurp Joffrey from the throne." A girl who was once young at heart now held her battle scars with dignity and grace. Charlotte's red hair blows in the wind, enveloping her face as she stands before her Uncle. "You're making a mistake, Charlotte."

Her narrowed eyes were sharper than a two-edged sword. "You made it first," she points at Jaime's heart, wishing it not be corrupt, "you're the one who started this. Joffrey is your mistake."

"You believe you are any different? Joffrey and you share the same blood."

Jaime was holding a flaming torch in his land, illuminating only a small distance around Charlotte and him. A soft glow, but still a powerful presence. "That is where you are sadly mistaken." As if it was a normal occurrence, Charlotte lays her hand above the burning flame. "Fire does not burn my skin."

"That's impossible..."

In this one moment, Charlotte accepts her fate. "They are things within us all that can never be unleashed. Secret powers and unspoken words." Charlotte removes her hand from the torch, the flame slowing blazing back to life. "This is my curse, but I intend to make it my greatest blessing."

Unable to connect the dots, Jaime stands in dumbfounded silence. He could only stare at Charlotte's seemingly normal hand, lacking the burns that should have befallen her skin. "Robert Baratheon is my father and for that reason, I can no longer stay in Casterly Rock."

"Have you lost your mind?"

An innocent smile fills Charlotte's face. "No, only my soul. My mind is still thoroughly intact." Charlotte did not wish to leave Casterly Rock on bad terms, and even wanted to bid her grandfather a brief farewell. "Joffrey has rid my name from the city, and I aim to bring it back in bountiful screams."

A slither of poison escapes Jaime's thinned lips. "You will ruin the Lannister name."

"I suppose it's a blessing that I do not carry the Lannister name."

"Your mother..."

Charlotte raises her hand in the air, causing Jaime's word to fade into the air. "Is just as guilty as you are. There is no innocent in this raging war aside from the Stark's. In some parallel universe, our agony and misgivings can be forgotten, and we learn to love only the truest things. I can only the hope the Gods grant me such mercy."

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