Chapter 1- Not Just A Photo

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Hey everyone, so as some who have read some of my stories may know I stopped writing for a while so in the process forgot the passwords and didn't use the email anymore for my old Wattpad and accounts which mean't I had to make new ones. So if you think you've read something before and it was from holliewithouttheivy on wattpad or Gryffindorgirl4422 then thats because their my old accounts. Just wanted to clear it up, havn't stolen anything or copied it. Its mine, PROMISE!!

Anyway I've tweaked this a bit as I've re-typed it in places due to slight changes in my feelings of it or situations in it. So enjoy and please tell me what you think. <3 :)



No one said loving you was going to be easy and I suppose they were right. I thought as I turned around and started to walk away from the barn house, which had been like my second home. My safe haven. I felt tears well up in my eyes at what I'd just witnessed. Empty, that was the only way to describe the farm house. No note or clues as to where they were or had gone. But I suppose I still have you my little one, I thought as I rubbed my hand over my belly.

Chapter 1- Not Just A Photo

14 Years Later

Kendall's POV

"Kendall Ruby Hamilton where the hell are you? Your going to make us all late!" I heard my brother Alex yell up the stairs. It was only us, our sister and our two cousins at home. Our mum, Aunt and Uncle were all at work or a meeting whichever they had left for last night. So they'd left the house in the hands of five 14 year old to be vampires. I pulled on my knee high boots over black leggings and slipped on my brown leather jacket over a long off the shoulder white longish t-shirt, before walking down the stairs to where everyone seemed to be waiting.

"Where's Alice?" I said looking between Alex and our cousins Ryan and Nate.

"I think she might still be upstairs in mums room, she snuck in after mum left and she was sure she was out of mums hearing range." Lex said sadly before looking towards the stairs that led to our rooms. Mum's was one of the first doors on the right and our Aunt Hunter said it had belonged to her old best friend from a very long time ago. I walked back up the stairs and pushed open the door and saw my sister half sticking out from under my mothers bed and pulling out an old wooden box.

"Ali what are you doing with that? You know if mum came home and found you with that she would kill us!" I said but my sister seemed to be ignoring me because instead of putting it back she opened it right on up and I couldn't control my own curiosity as I walked over and sat next to her and peered into the box. There was some burn out sparklers, an old coffee card, chocolate wrappers and a whole lot of photo's. I pulled out a couple from the box and looked at the back of one it said full moon party and then from left to right Logan, Isabeau, Hunter, Quinn, Connor, Christabel, Nicholas, me, Solange & Kieran. I could easily recognise my mum, uncle Kieran and my Aunt Hunter. But it wasn't them that drew my eye, it was the other boys in the photo and the girl. I looked at her then to Ali and couldn't help but draw the similarities between them, I could see it in the guys to. They looked a little like the boys that were thumping around down stairs right now.

"That's him isn't it our dad?" I said my voice shaking a little. Ali looked up at me and stared at me for a while before nodding. 

"Yeah I think it must be him, Kenny." She said using her nickname for me, the same one she'd been using since we were 4. Her eye's had started to watered a little bit and I quickly linked my arm with hers and pulled her close, she sighed before starting to speak again. "Look there's Aunt Hunter and that must be the boys dad, Quinn was his name I think and theirs uncle Kieran and the girl with him I think that's mums old best friend, who this room used to belong to. But yes that is dad, Nicholas or Nicky as it says on the back of the photo." She said before turning it over in a very neat un our mother hand writing it said Nicky Drake plus Lucky Moon Hamilton forever and then it said don't kill me Lucy love Nicholas. I smiled at the thought of my mum killing him because he'd used her actual full name. I smiled at Alice as I saw a tear rolled down her cheek. We quickly put everything away and back but that one photo, before walking down the stairs. Alice disappearing to quickly fix her make up.

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