Chapter 1: Eavesdrop

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Unknown day, 1782

It was the very next day that I got what I wanted. I hear the keys jingling as my captor opens the cell door, but rather than the sound of one pair of footsteps and one silhouette in what remained of my vision; there were two pairs of footsteps and two silhouettes. Hearing the second figure talk affirmed who I thought it would be, "Mirela?"

I admit, I was not expecting him to sound so shocked, I figured Graves would have told him who it was he had captured. Obviously not. "Hello Father."

I hear rather than see Graves breathe in sharply; he clearly did not know yet. "Father? This Assassin is your daughter sir?"

Him being my father was what I was using, or rather betting on, to get me out of here. "Yes, she is my daughter, which is why I do not understand why she landed herself in this mess. Last I checked, there was no one who could get the drop on my Assassin daughter, not even my high ranking Templars. Either she let herself get caught, or you really got her unawares. Which is it my dear?"

I realised that the only way my plan would work is if I was honest with him, I knew from the beginning I would have to tell him. "If I was my normal self, your lobcock of a subordinate would not have been successful in his attempts. However, as I am not my usual self; he had it easy."

In the end, it is still hard to tell him, he may be my father, but as it is; he is my enemy. "Are you sick then?"

I let out a sigh before continuing. "No, I am not sick," I think I may have heard him breathe a sigh of relief, but I cannot see his face to be sure. "I am going blind. In fact, I am almost completely there; I see vague silhouettes and bright lights, but that is about it."

I think I stunned him into silence; even the usually talkative Graves is silent. This does not last long however, "Are you trying to make me believe that I only got you because you are going blind. I do not believe you; you fought as you always do, I just happened to be better."

"Do not make me laugh Mister Graves. I am losing my sight, not my abilities; but loss of sight makes it harder to fight. That is the only reason you won you egocentric git."

I could hear the growl that followed my words, but I could just see my father hold him back from going at me. "I figured you might go blind, but I did not want to believe it. Enemy or not, you are my daughter and I would never wish this on you. However, when we first met three years ago, I could already see the grey in your eyes. This same thing happened to your grandfather, I recognised the signs in you back then, but I prayed you would not go blind like he did. My prayers have gone unanswered it seems."

This surprised me, all of it; I got this from my grandfather? There were signs? How did I not see them before? However, there was nothing that could be done; I have never heard of something like this before, I can only imagine there was nothing any doctor could do either. "It does not matter, in a matter of weeks, I will be completely blind and you will have one less Assassin to worry about."

It was obvious from my tone that this pained me; the five years that I have been an Assassin have been the greatest in my life. To lose it so easily to something like going blind frustrates me. "I can see that you are not taking to this well; not being able to fight anymore really gets to you. I may have a solution."

The way he said it, however, had my hairs on end; something tells me this will benefit him and his Order more than it will benefit me. "What do you propose?"

"You come live with me from now on, I help you get used to your blindness and train you to fight with it. Use it as an asset rather than a hindrance; it is a known fact that when one person loses a sense, the other four are enhanced. I can train you to fight using your other senses; get used to not relying on your vision. Imagine, no one can sneak up on you; you'd hear them coming. What do you think dear?" I knew what he had not added to that; that he would induct me into the Order and he would have another powerful subordinate.

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