He Hurts himself

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Hey guys!I remember someone asking me as to why I don't do the individual scenarios anymore and I'm like "Oh man,I don't really have a reason as to why but I'm just kinda lazy and the people who read this book don't like the suggested boyfriends.So,they can just add in their own!" 0w0)

(FNAF/BF) was sitting on the living room couch watching TV.You were in the backyard,running around like a mad man to get some adrenaline out of you.You calmly came back into the house and went upstairs to take a shower.(FNAF/BF),thought this is a time to try and get frisky with (Y/N.)You didn't hear him walk into the bathroom,nor did you feel the whoosh of the shower curtains open when he came into the shower.His ice cold hands started to rub up your sides towards your breast.You squeaked and started flailing your arms around,accidentally kicking him in the groin when you slipped and fell on your stomach.He covered himself and knelt down,groaning in pain as you could do nothing but giggle.

FNAF Boyfriend Scenariosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें