When he cheats <Preview>

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You came home to see your "faithful" boyfriend,doing some nasty things to his ex.
You started crying and yelled at him to get out.
Mike left the house,his shoulders shaking.

Jeremy ((He's too nice to cheat,So I'm just going to have you yell at him.))
You came home from a long day.
And when I say long,I mean loooooooooong.
Jeremy came up to you and asked if you were ok.
You yelled at him and he left the room.

You caught Scott making out with some girl on the couch.
You threw your shoes at them and yelled at them to get out.

Fritz was cheating on you.
With a piece of cake.
He as drunk.

Fred was making out with Toy Chica.
You wanted you boyfriend to hold you,But he broke your heart instead.


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