Staying Safe

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The smell of smoke was over powering as my eyes stung from trying to see my surroundings. I heard voices to my left but I couldn't make out what they were saying, it sounded as if they were repeating a phrase over and over.
'H- hello?' coughing I pulled my jacket over my nose and mouth to stop inhaling anymore fumes. Making my way towards the voices smoke clouded my vision until a door emerged into my sight. Hesitantly I turned the handle scared of what awaited me, just as the door creaked open I fell through the floor disappearing into the dark abyss.

* end of dream*

I awoke with a scream bolting up and falling on the floor. Groaning i looked around the room that i was in while rubbing my head. The door burst open as a man appeared with a gun searching the room with his eyes until they landed on me, sighing in relief the man tucked the gun back in his pants shaking his head.

" You gave me quite the scare there miss clark, are you alright?" I nodded trying to figure out how i got here, seeing my confusion the man speaks up. "what is the last thing you remember miss clark?" scrunching my eyebrows together I tryed to remeber.
"I remember going to school and walking home and..." flashbacks of my burning down house flashed through my mind along with a policeman saying my family was dead.
"I'm sorry for your loss miss but, your familys killer is still on the loose and we need to keep you safe." I nodded numbly as memories of my mother and father flashed before my eyes, like when we went to the beach for the first time and i caught a fish and when my little sister freya was born, I was so excited to have a little sister that my parents let me be the first to hold her. I remember her brown eyes that looked like dead leaves, but the pretty kind, the way she always giggled when ever she could see me and that her first words where 'zara'.
"-ss, miss? are you alright?" snapping out of my memories I was met with the concerned face of the man sitting across from me.
" Honestly I don't know if i am alright or if I'll ever be alright again, I just want my family back." My eyes started to water as the thought of never seeing my family again invaded my mind.
"I know it will take time to heal trust me I've been there, the pain will never go but over time it fades and becomes managable." The man smiles a sad smile looking distant for a second before shaking his head and looking back at me.
"Anyways I don't mean to rush you in your grief but we are putting you in whitness protection to keep you safe."
"s-so where am i going?" my voice wavered as fear filled me.
"At the moment it's not that safe for you to stay in the same place for to long so we are going to be putting you with a band to keep you safe, and avoid unwanted attention we are saying that you won a competion to go on tour with this band and then it dosen't look to suspicious. Is this ok with you miss?" I nodded biting my lip.
"em... sir? may I ask what band it is." He smiled at me sifting through the papers on his desk.
"Ah, here we go 'pierce the veil' do you know them?" My jaw dropped as he said the name as I nodded mutely. "well we better get going we need to get you some clothes seems as yours where destroyed in the fire, after that I will leave you with there manager to take you to the band is that ok?"
"T-thank you sir, for all of this." He shook his head walking towards the door jesturing for me to follow. As we excited the room I wondered what this next chapter in my life was going to be like?

AN hey I probably will edit this chapter and the 1 before and making them longer and check the grammer anyways comment if you enjoyed the story and have a awesome day :)

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