The first day of school

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Hello everybody! So this is my second story, I am really looking forward to post this story because I'm really into spells and magic these days.... Hope you guys like it!



Where am I? I found my self in the middle of a white place. Am I in a piece of paper or something? Why is there nothing in here? I walk to nowhere, try to find something. I knew that something is going on in here.

Louhi… Louhi…” A voice?

“Who’s there?”


“My name is not Louhi!”

Louhi… Louhi… Louhi…”

I cover my ears with my hands, hoping I wouldn’t hear it anymore. But it’s useless. I’m still hearing voices that calls say Louhi. Is the voice in my head?

“Stop, I’m not Louhi!”

But the voice is getting louder and louder. I started to hear voices, not only one or two. But so many voice that keeps calling me Louhi. I ran. I ran as fast as I could to anywhere to avoid the voices. But it’s useless. It’s getting bigger when I’m trying to get away from it. But then a voice stands out, a voice of a woman. I let go of my ears and the other voices fades. Leaving one voice.

Suddenly, there’s a woman wearing white clothes and is smiling towards me. But the weird thing is, I can’t see her face. I know her.

I’m here Louhi, don’t be scared.”



I startled. I look to the front of the class and found Mrs. Frakemist looking at me with eyes that I’m sure wanting to kill me. Am I sleeping in the middle of the class again?

“Yes miss Frakemist?” I try to calm down and sit up straight. But this will just make my back hurts and make me lost my pride.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Uh... sorry, I haven't had a lot of sleep these days..."

"Okay. Because it's the first day of school. I forgive you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Frakemist." I smile

I walk through the crowd and made it out safely out from it. I almost think I'll die. Today, was the first day of my high school year, I'm thrilled. But the thing is, I'm always feel sleepy in every class. Today I already get 4 warnings from 4 different teachers. I sigh. The beautiful awesome high school life I always dream of turns out to be a nightmare just in 1 day.

"So how's it going pretty princess?"

I feel someone's hugging me from my back. But I wasn't worry, because I know who's the one that hugged me. I just stand there and hug those hands back."Hello Jonathan." I said smiling. I love the way he hug me. But then, am I confessing my feelings now? Once I realise  how long I've been hugging back his hands, I slap it off. I know I'm rude.

"What are you doing?"

"Just checking on my princess. So, how is your first day of school? Isn't it suprisingly fun?" He said excitedly as we walk away from the school.

"Not so good for a start."

"Why? I've met a lot of friends here! I'm sure you've talked to one or two other girls or.... guys?"

"No I didn't talk to anyone except for the teachers that have been yelling at me because of my sleepy disease." I yawn. "I feel very sleepy today. I wonder why."

No answer. Jonathan just walk by my side and look down to the road. I wonder.. Whatever. I'm even too tired to ask him or even feeling suspicious. I yawn again, this time, it's a big and long yawn.

Suddenly, I felt something was moving in my hands. Something like sparks! My hands are shaking... What's happening to me? I stop taking steps. My whole body starts to shake and sparks starts to pop out from nowhere. "JONATHAN!!" I scream when I found out that he didn't notice this incident and keep on walking. But then he turn his body and his eyes widen and he ran to me.



And then the worst thing happen. My Locket which I never knew I had Pulled me up to the sky and make me float. I'm flying?! "WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream loudly with everypart of my body froze. I can't move at all. But then the thing Jonathan do wasn't panic like me. He just look around and yelled something.

A yellow shield, I see a yellow shield after he finished his sentence. What is going on?

"LOUHI!" He cried.

He cried the name I was called in my dream. What's happening? I feel sleepy. I feel very sleepy. I can feel my heartbeat and I'm sweating. It's like my energy are drained or something. I can't hold on. I close my eyes slowly when I saw... Jonathan... was flying towards me.


Jonathan flying?! I'm floating?! Everything turns black.

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