1: Roommates ~ Rune

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Double doors stand before me. I know the next two school years of my life will be spent within the building I'm facing. The endless possibilities race through my brain, one after the other. Quickly, I give myself a little pep talk, which is something I always do when I'm nervous.

"You can do this, Rune. Wattpad Prep is a great school, and you'll love it here. Junior year will be a blast. Just don't get lost and don't be late. Yeah. I've got this."

I checked my lucky blue, gold, and white Amitron watch and smiled. I had arrived ten minutes early—plenty of time to find room 303.

An hour later, I'm still, somehow, somewhere around the sophomore block. I had eventually resolved to ask for help, but everyone had long since settled in their rooms, leaving me all alone without anything to help guide me. How can they assume everyone can find their room just like that?

I take out the detailed map I'd been handed as soon as I walked in. After tracing the paper aimlessly with my right pointer finger, I spin to the right and begin walking.

Ten more minutes pass before I locate the juniors' rooms, and from then on, it's smooth sailing because it's just counting.

"300, 301, 302..."

Barking. I hear unfriendly barking increasing in volume as I approach my destination. Please don't tell me that it's room number...

"...303. Great." Well, now for my key.

I rummage through my light blue leather cross bag for the—no, not the extra violin rosin, not my wallet, not my favorite ballpoint pen—ah, for my ring of keys. I pick the shiniest and smallest key from the bunch and slide it in the keyhole. It fits, and the door unlocks. I shove the keys back in my bag and close it before turning the knob and pushing.

And pushing.

I keep pushing.

The door is jammed. It must be, because it isn't moving.

The dog keeps barking. It's not making my top friend list at this rate.

Finally, I throw my body weight against the door. Granted, it isn't much, but it has to make at least a dent in getting the door to budge. That's my logic, and it seems like foolish logic when my plan works too well and the door shifts suddenly. I try to ignore the lack of squeaking that implies the door is well-oiled and definitely not jammed. Before it can get too far away from me, I grab the handle and slow it down, and gently open the door from there. I try to look super cool and suave, though chances are my roommate has heard my struggles the entire time.

I blink. She's right in front of me. Or is she a he? My eyes send mixed signals to my brain. Short, cropped hair in a guy's hairstyle, but slightly feminine features. Many piercings adorn her face, and I'm guessing there are more that are hidden. All in all, a very androgynous look.

Oh, and of course, the dog at her feet. The dog in question has a huge neck, reminding me of a giraffe. It gives me an unimpressed look and sidles away before jumping on a bed. That better not be mine, I think belatedly.

I focus back on the dog's owner, and smile. "Hi, I'm Rune. It's very nice to meet you. I'm really excited for this year," I say, and hope it comes across as friendly that I stick out my hand for a handshake.

Giraffe Dog Lady Man regards my hand coolly, as if assessing its value, before meeting my gaze blankly. She? He? It? They? does not show any sign of moving her hand to meet my own, so I drop it. In hindsight, she doesn't seem like a handshake person anyway.

"What's your name?" I press on.

Giraffe Dog Lady Man maintains several more seconds of awkward full-on eye contact before speaking, and then it's only one word. "Phoenix."

Sounds happy to be here, I think dryly before remembering the circumstances upon which I arrived. I quickly apologize for being late and move around Phoenix to set down my stuff. I place my suitcase and violin case next to the bed that Giraffe Dog is laying on, and silently will him to leave. He growls at me, refusing to.

It's my bed, I think indignantly. You get off.

Phoenix's sigh brings my attention back to her/him. She nods to Giraffe Dog. "This is Lucifer."

Nah, he's still Giraffe Dog to me.

"He hates everyone and everything except for me and will do anything in the world to protect me," Phoenix continues proudly, unaware of her dog's upgraded name and that I'm now spacing out. "Including annihilating people—but you don't need to worry as long as you're not alone with him."

I'm not really listening, but I start paying attention from the word "alone." 

"What...Oh, you mean Giraffe Dog?"

Phoenix's green eyes go wide and a little crazed, as if she's never heard a name as strange. Of course, that can't possibly be the case. "Giraffe...?!"

Okay, maybe it could be the case. I decide to mess with her a little, since she seems so put off by her dog's epic name.

I shrug casually. "Yeah, Giraffe Dog. I think it really suits him. Anyway, he wouldn't hurt me, right?" I reach towards the dog to pet his fur, but he growls loudly and I retreat. Obviously, I do it with style, like I meant to pull back, because I cower from no one. "See?" I say to emphasize my point. "Giraffe Dog wouldn't harm a fly." I examine my nails, trimmed close to the pink because long nails are detrimental to strings. "And he likes this name anyway," I mutter, but I don't think she hears me.

"Sure," she mutters. I think she's being sarcastic, but I choose not to take it as such. Her lack of reaction disappoints me. Maybe that didn't get to her as much as I thought it would.

I head towards the open door leading to the bathroom. "Well, I'm going to use the restroom, so..." I realize I've boxed myself into a corner where I have no idea what to finish the sentence with, but I clearly can't leave it hanging. "...don't miss me too much, okay?"

Okay, Rune. What the actual heck was that?

Still, I pull it off with another one of my winning smiles. "All right, that's the spirit," I say cheerily as she doesn't say anything. "I'm sure we'll be great friends soon!"

I walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I sighed, all pent-up energy fading. Maybe we will become friends, but I think it's going to be later than sooner when Phoenix warms up to me. But still...

I raise my gaze to the mirror, staring myself in the eye. I give myself a halfhearted smile that quickly transforms into a genuine one, and promise myself to keep on trying.

Because a Belrose never gives up.

Tears prick at my eyes, but I refuse to cry. It's been my motto ever since that fateful day.

"I won't, Dad," I whisper, smiling through the dull but familiar pain. "I'll never give up."

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