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Chapter 1: New friends?

I step out of the car, trembling a bit. I reach for the straps of my back pack, readjusting it on my shoulders.
"Bye honey, have a good day!" I look over at my mom sitting at the wheel of our car, smiling at me  sadly.
I sigh and nod, "Alright."
"Oh, and if anything happens, don't be afraid to call me."
"Yeah OK. well, bye, see you later." I slam the car door and watch as my mom pulls away from the curb. Someone bumps into me and I apologize swiftly, keeping my eyes on the ground. They grunt and continue, and I realize that I should probably continue too. I take a deep breath, letting my eyes wander down the street my mom just disappeared down, and than turn around to face the courtyard.
I begin to sweat, as I see the groups of kids milling around, all in their own precise groups, all together... yet apart. It's those boundaries that divide the groups, the lines you just can't pass, and don't even think or talk about. The unmentioned things. I never noticed this...I mean I always knew where I stood, with the popular girls, just me being semi popular, trailing after Jessica. But now, with them suspended for a whole month, and me completely ignoring them, I have no one. No one to talk to about the weird, creepy janitor, no one to hide behind as my crush passes, no one to wave to in the halls, no one to eat lunch with, and most of all, no one to belong to. I slouch a bit as I head for an empty bench. Today is going to be the worst. The absolute worst.
I slide into the bench and place my backpack beside me on the bench. I'm sitting in front of the kids Jessica called the "nerds" and the "scifi geeks".
I watch one girl the most. She's beautiful with crystal blue eyes, fair skin, and blonde glimmering hair. She laughs at something her friend says and flips her hair, shaking her head. All of the sudden her gaze wanders over to me staring at her. I look away quickly, embarrassed. She goes back to her friend and I peek at her. She looks concerned and  is whispering rapidly. Her friend nods and looks over at me. Again, I look the other way. I feel their gaze still on me, and I began to sweat, feeling all clammy.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spot the blonde haired girl move. I glance over for a split second, to find her walking toward me, a kind smile planted on her face. I lean over to whisper something to Jenny, completely  forgetting about the recent events, to find she's gone.
"Right," I mutter shaking my head at my stupidity.
"Uh, hi?"
"What?" I gasp, looking surprised.
"Um, sorry, I said hi," The blonde haired girl says, smiling kindly at me.
"Oh, right, sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts!" I admit, blushing.
She laughs, "No problem, that's me all the time! I just have all these story ideas and I can never focus on one, because another one just keeps popping up!"
"Oh, well at least you have ideas," I exclaim, "I have zero when it comes to writing, I'm more of a Math girl, logical questions and such!" I explain.
"And I suck at Math!" She laughs shaking her head. 
I smile at her, "Well maybe one day I can teach you some math and you can help me with writing?" I ask hopefully. Maybe making friends will be easier than I expected!  I think to myself my mouth turning into a smile.
"Yeah maybe..." She says wistfully her eyes sliding over to someone standing in the distance.
"Yeah." I reply an awkward silence filling up the space between us.
"Well see you in class." She says before beginning to walk over to whoever she was staring at before.
"Um we actually don't have any classes together..." I say trailing off when I realize she's gone.
"Right," I mutter to myself before the bell cuts into my thoughts. I sigh before rising off the bench.

I tap my fingers on my desk, jittering my leg a habit of mine when I'm nervous or excited. Right now I'm nervous. There's 5 more minutes until the bell we'll ring signalling that it's lunchtime followed by a short break. It's funny, last month I would be exchanging looks with Jenny, eagerly awaiting the bell but now I want to pause time. Lunch time means I'll have to find a place to sit, and I'll stand out. I used to know my place. It was with Jenny, Alex and Jessica, but now with them gone, (probably thinking up all the ways to get they're revenge on me!) and me wanting to run the opposite direction every time I see them I have no spot. I'll just wounded around, looking like a lost kitten.
The bell rings interrupting my train of thoughts and I get up, scooping up the books in front of me. A peace of hair slips from my tight braid and I push it back with my free hand balancing my books with the spare. Someone bumps into me and my books go flying.
"Crap!" I mumble to myself.
The boy who knocked my books to the ground turns around and I want to curl up into a ball and die. (Hmm well not literally!)
It's Jordan, Jessica's boyfriend.
"I'm so sorry!" He says kneeling down to pick up my books. I crouch down to join him.
"Heh it's okay!" I say smiling. Jordan and I never really talked but I would see him quiet a bit since he and Jessica are basically together all the time.
After picking up all the books we get up, Jordan passes me the books he picked up, "Again really sorry!" He chuckles nervously.
"It's okay!" I repeat shifting my feet awkwardly.
"So," Jordan says hesitantly, "I, uh, heard what happened."
I study him closely. So I was right, everyone did know about my attempted suicide. I mean it is a small town and an even smaller high school and-
"I, I'm sorry. I didn't know how bad the girls were to you or I would've stopped it! Really, I feel so awful! But if it makes you feel any better I broke up with Jessica.
I gape at him. No it does not make me feel better! Jessica's going to blame the break up on me! Crap, crap, crap! I look at him pressing my lips together, "Oh well that's too bad."
"Not really, she was a jerk." Jordan says shrugging.
A jerk who's obsessed with you! Who bragged about  being the hottest couple in school! A jerk who wanted to go to homecoming and prom with you! Instead of saying all this I look at the ground and bite my lip. There is one thing I want to ask Jordan so bad I fear I'm going to explode.
"D-does everyone know?" I ask carefully. Jordan looks at me, at first looking surprised and than smiling a bit.
"Oh no. Just me I think... I just know because...Jessica mentioned it, in her own special way and I had a sense she got her story messed up and I was right." I shudder. Jessica got her story messed up? Hmm, that probably means she lied about it. I push these thoughts aside feeling internally grateful Jordan didn't believe these stories and got the real one.
I smile, "Thanks."
He seems to understand, "No problem, see you around Kelly!" He waves to me before walking off laughing with his friends. I nod to myself and follow slowly behind him realizing I just carried out a conversation with Jordan.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I haven't updated in a while for this story so sorry for that! I've been trying to really work on this story, and to not rush it so that's why...
Okay also I wrote this story last year around this time but i want to write more of it. Sorry that this chapter is complete crap. Just bear with it please! Thanks!
Anyways comment, vote, share!

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