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"Miss Peters?"
"Hmm?" I say looking into my principal, Mr. Brown's, eyes. They're a piercing blue, and seem to have an imitating affect on most high school students-but not me.
"Are these the girls that bullied you into nearly committing suicide?" I gulp. The words sound so unreal aloud, even though I know they're as real as me. I did almost commit suicide.
I stare at Mr. Brown, take a deep breath, and look around at the 4 girls in the room. Jessica, the leader of the group. The one everyone adores so much. Stacy, Jessica's best friend, but also her 'servant'-seeing as she does everything for Jessica. Alex, another Jessica fan, and another Jessica 'servant'. Jenny, my best friend who I thought would always be there for me, and who, at this moment, is seated right beside me. I don't want to shake my head 'yes'. Admit that these girls, my friends, began to bully me, make me feel like I was nothing but a stray piece of garbage that is better left untouched.
I know I must say yes. Tell my principal that, although I don't understand it why they did it, they did do it.
I once more look at Mr. Brown and sigh, my hands trembling as I wish so bad I could fast forward this ugly moment.
"Yes," I say quietly and I hear Stacy gasp.
"And you're positive?"
"Yes," it seems all I can say is 'yes'.
"You're not just making this up to get attention?" It stings when he puts it like that and I have to close my eyes, hoping that when I open them I will be alone in my room.
"With all due respect," I begin, "I don't make up things like this."
Mr. Brown nods slowly, and than turns his attention to the girls around me.
"Girls, please leave. I would like to have a moment with Miss Peters alone- and if you are caught listening by my will be expelled." He says it so matter of factly. I can hear the stunned silence in the room.
"OMG dude!" I hear Jessica mutter as she gets up.
"What was that Jessica?" She goes pale, and I hear Alex suck in her breath. Jessica just shakes her head.
"Now girls, please leave! I don't want to have to tell you another time!" He states firmly. The girls all nod and get get up, Jessica in the front.
"I'm so sorry!" Jenny whispers and looks into my eyes. I look the other way. I don't want to talk to Jenny, or any of them right now.
Once they've all left, Mr. Brown sighs.
"Please explain what happened in your own words."
I prepare my self to recite the story again for the 100th time in the course of a week. No matter how many times I tell it though, it never gets easier.
"Well, the girls and I were really good friends- always there for each other. Then one day... well, I don't know." I hesitate, toying with my shirt. "Be brave!" I remember, and begin to continue. "They found me at my locker, and began insulting  my outfit, saying it looked like a rat had thrown up on it." I frown  a little, remembering the worst things they had said. "I thought it was just a weird thing, like maybe they all were having a really bad day.
"That night I tried not to think too much about it. I kept telling myself they were just having a bad day, and they needed to insult me to make themselves feel better. I promised myself that tomorrow would be better." I stop and focus on Mr. Brown, who looks distraught. "Oh, sorry, continue!" He says, smiling slightly.
"Right- well the next day wasn't any better. In fact, it was worse. By each passing week, it got more and more intense. I was only supposed to wear certain colours on certain days, or they would pick on me. I couldn't eat lunch at the same table- I had to sit near the table, or on the ground- I had to give them all my money-"
"Your money?" Mr. Brown interrupts, "We will get every cent of that back!"
I smile, "Thank you. Anyway, those things happened over the course of 2 months."
"2 months? Oh gosh- I have no idea what happens in my own school." He splutters, shaking his head in disgust.
"Yes, 2 months. I felt like nothing. And it only got worse from here.
"They started blackmailing me, texting me horrible messages and mail...they would make me delete all the evidence, or they would hurt me or smash my phone. They told me I should go kill myself because I was a worthless brat." A tear slips from my eye, and I have to stop.
"Im so incredibly sorry!" Mr. Brown says as he hands me a Kleenex. "But I'm afraid you must tell me the rest."
I nod, "I cleaned out my locker so my parents wouldn't have to for me. I had planned to kill myself over the weekend."
"That weekend was a week ago?"
"Yes," I say, remembering it. It had been just awful, and I had to miss a week of school while my parents made sure I was alright. They made many appointments and phone calls.
"I snuck out late at night and went to Turtleshell bridge- you know, that one that's high above the highway?"
He nods, his eyes wide.
"Well, yes, there. I was about to jump when-well..." I hesitate, and bite my lip, "A girl saved me."

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