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I sighed. Just walking away from all of them, especially Harry, was hard but it's not like I could stay. I did have a life, but I felt that was a whole other world I escaped for a while. But no matter how far we got, I knew I'd see him again.

***10 YEARS LATER***

"Babe could you get me a spoon for Noah?" I called out to my husband, Louis. I sat my cubby, blond haired, blue eyed two year old.

"Of course babe." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"EWWWW MAMA!" Our 7 year old brunette yelled. "No kissing! That's gross!"

"Ok, Edward. Now hurry and eat your food so we can go meet everyone at uncle Ni'a house." I said as Lou and I fed Noah.

"YAY UNCLE NI!" Edward yelled and hurriedly ate his food. We finished up feeding the baby, who ended up with his yogurt all over his bib. I laughed as I tried to no avail to wipe his face.

"He's just likes his father. Look at the mess he made." I tried again to wipe his face. Louis smiled.

"That's my boy! Besides, I know you like a hot mess. I mean you married me over Harry." Louis smirked. I sighed. It's been years since I talked to Harry. I frowned. "Sorry babe. I never meant it like that." He hugged me and I forced a smile. I missed Harry, after a mutual breakup for quite a few reasons, we still remained quite good friends and kept in touch. I would often spend time with him and the boys and people change so after a while Louis and I got quite close. Harry had mentioned and hinted at getting back together but Louis and I were becoming an item. I had excitedly told Harry when Louis asked me to be his girlfriend, but Harry was more upset than excited. Liam had later told me how Harry and Louis had been fighting and some not-so-nice things were said, some about me so Harry and I haven't spoken since. I tried to talk to him but things didn't work out.

"So what time do we have to be at Ni's? I really want to meet his little girl." Louis smiled, cleaning up the high chair.

"Twelve for lunch. He said to be early, no matter how old he gets he still will always be hungry. Veronica really hopes Amber doesn't have an appetite like her dad!" I laughed. Niall had a fair share of girlfriends but he found "The One" at an Australian signing and after a year and a half of dating, they finally tied the knot and now two years into their marriage they a beautiful baby girl.

"I hope not! I don't think anyone could afford a second Horan appetite!" Louis said as we went upstairs to change. I quickly washed and dressed Noah and Edward before jumping in the shower. Then I blow dried my hair then curled it. Then I put on a pair of black tights and a tank top cut around the arms that had an American flag on it and a pair of combat boots. My style has changed but is still youthful considering I'm 27, but I don't look it.

Not long before it was time to go. I packed the kids and Lou in the car before we headed off. The car ride was spent with Edward rambling on about some TV show. It was the cutest thing! We finally arrived at 12:05 and when Niall opened the door he looked relieved.

"Finally! Now we can eat!" Niall led us into the kitchen/dining room, smiling like he won the lottery. Louis took Edward to the living room with his toys and I put Noah down to run around.

"Hi! It's nice to have you guys and the kids over again!" Veronica smiled, pushing a few stray blonde hair away from her face. "Come sit you can meet little Amber." She quickly went upstairs and came down with little pink baby in a soft yellow blanket.

"This is my little princess." Niall kissed her forehead. His face was filled with a look of love and passion only a father could have. Veronica handed me the baby. Amber yawned and opened her eyes. She had her dads eyes but her moms face. She was perfect. Niall couldn't stop smiling.

"I still can't believe she's mine." Niall looked close to tears. Soon the baby was in Niall's arms. The adults sat down and the kids just ran around.

"Are you sure the kids running around is ok?" I asked biting my lip.

"No, no it's fine. We planning on having more kids so might as well get used to it!" Niall beamed. He was going to be such a good dad. After we finished eating an amazing meal of pasta and grilled chicken breast, we went to the living room. Not once did Niall put Amber down, she slept while he ate. Veronica turned the TV on for Niall and Louis to watch the game, Edward sitting on Lou's lap. Veronica and I went back to the kitchen.

"So how have you been?" Veronica asked.

"Alright but II've been thinking about Harry a lot lately. I don't know why, it's been years...." I frowned just at the thought of Harry. "Have you talked to him recently?"

"I haven't but Niall was just on the phone with him the other day." Veronica said, as she rocked Amber in her arms.


"Here can you hold her while I answer the door?" Veronica handed me the baby who was now sleeping. She got up and quickly walked to the door. all I could hear we're muffled voices and Niall, Louis and Edward watching the game. I was feeling awkward sitting there so I got up to see who it was.

"Who's at the d-"

"Long time no see, Ali." Harry.



So I was thinking about doing a sequel? would anyone read that or should I just finish it off? I NEED YOU OPINIONS!!!


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