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I really hoped Danielle wasn't at Liam's place. I couldn't deal with her attitude right now. Not after what happened with Harry. This trip was supposed to be fun and romantic, not sad and stressful.

As soon as I rang the bell Liam answered in a white T-shirt and plaid pajama pants. He could tell from my puffy eyes and red face what had happened.

"Come in, I'll make you up the couch and a tea. Then we can talk ok?" HIs voice was so kind. When I looked in his eyes I could see the burden of everyones problems on his shoulders. I went in to his cozy house and hung my sweater in the closet then went to his living room and set my bags down. I looked at the clock over the fire place, 10:30. I felt horrible for Harry and I felt horrible for dragging Liam into this. I was tired of feeling horrible. But I had to know this was coming. In my life there will be long periods of fun and good times only to crash land and ruin everything. It really sucked.

"Here, so tell me, what happened?" Liam asked while he put a tea on the side table and handed a pillow and some blankets. Then I made up the couch then we sat together and I explained.

"I'm so sorry. I guess sometimes doing the right thing just makes it worse...I'll have a talk with both of them in the morning." He put an arm around my shoulder. Just seeing Harry crying made me cry into Liam's shoulder.


When I first woke up in the morning I was in a good mood until the night before came flooding back. I wanted to cry, but I was all out of tears. All I felt was guilt weighing down on my chest like rock. I didn't get up for another fifteen minuetes, only when Liam came in.

"How are you this morning? Its a rainy day, but I'll make sure the weather doesn't get you down. Alright get up!" He tried being cheery, but I just lay there staring at the white wall.

"What's the point? I'm not doing anything today..." I sighed.

"Actually, Zayn and Perrie want to spend the day with you, starting with breakfast."

"Do they know about what happened?" I sat up.

"I only told them that there are problems between you and Harry and you don't want to talk about it. They understand." He smiled. I smiled back.

When he left I changed into skinny jeans and a cute unicorn sweater. Then Liam and I drove over to Zayn's. when I got there Perrie opened the door in blinding neon green skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. Zayn was right behind her in loose skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt.

"Hey! come on in! I hope you like waffles, I just made them." Perrie smiled. Liam said bye and went , then I looked around at Zayn house. Lots of reds and browns. I sat at the table in front of a huge plate of waffles and then was joined by Zayn across from me and Perrie to my left. At First we ate in silence, then small talked about the weather and how good the waffles were. Then Zayn spoke.

"So, whats going on with you and Harry? Was it an-"

"Stop, Liam said she didn't want to talk about it, and can't we just have a happy day?" Perrie gave Zayn a 'Stop, we will talk about this later' look and he looked at his plate.

"No its alright, some things happened and um...' I started, not really wanting to tell them about Louis.

"Who started it? Was it just an argument ? I just don't want Harry getting hurt. Not after his last break up, he is very soft and I don't want him falling too hard..." Zayn frowned and looked at his plate.

"I'd rather not tell the details, but something happened and I told Harry and well, I think Liam told you what happened after that. Just ask him what happened." Just talking about it made me want to go back to Liam's couch and cry.

"Thank you for saying. Now lets go, Before we do anything I want you to meet Little Mix." I forced a smile. After breakfast Zayn silently drove us to a studio. Inside I was greeted by three more girls dressed just as bright as Perrie.

"Hi, nice to meet you I'm Jesy."

"Hey! I'm Jade!"

"And I'm Leigh-Anne. We're Little Mix." I shook all of their hands. After a quick tour of the studio we went to Perrie's dressing room. After getting to know them all a bit better we talked laughed and played some games. After about two hours we went back outside, but instead of Zayn, we found Niall waiting for us outside.

"Hey Niall. Where is Zayn? Today is our day with Alison." Perrie looked confused.

"Umm, well he said he would meet you there, but told me to pick you up. He said he needed to talk to Liam and Harry. What happened with you guys Alison?" Gossip spreads like a wild fire. I just looked at the ground and adjusted my hoodie, becoming uncomfortable.

"Ask Zayn! I guess he doesn't care about privacy anyway...urgh, way for him to ruin a fun day." Perrie frowned and got in Niall's car. The ride was silent, with Perrie giving Niall dirty looks all the way there. It turned out we were going to an amusement park. When I got out of the car, Perrie stayed back for a minute. From the looks of it she was giving Niall hell. I don't think he deserved it, he had the right to be curious, after all he didn't know that it was private. It should be Zayn getting it, but he'll get his when its just him and Perrie.

"Alright, lets fo have some fun and find Zayn, OK?" She smiled, trying to lighten the mood. I smiled back. After Perrie checked her phone, we met Zayn by the Merry-Go-Round. He had a smile plastered on his face. I hated how this was all because of me. And Louis, sort of.

"We. Need. To. Talk. NOW. Just give us a minute, Alison." Perrie gave me a quick smile and a wink then dragged Zayn away. While they talked I bought myself some pink cotton candy and sat on a near-by bench. I thought about what I should say to Harry if I see him, then ran some conversations through my head while the sweet stuff melted in my mouth. Then I realized I could hear what they were saying.

"....As a girl I would know, its hard enough going through a bad time with a boyfriend, but everyone knowing and asking is too much! Were you listening at all to what Liam said?!"

"Yeah I was. He was saying how she was crying for hours until she fell asleep and that Harry wouldn't answer his phone or the door. I get it, its tough but I at least wanted Niall to know about how she broke his heart! Just be happy I didn't tell Louis because you know how protective of Harry he is!" When I heard what he said, I felt myself die inside. I couldn't help myself, the tears roll down my cheek.

"Can you just go home? She doesn't need you here to make it worse."

"Oh good because I wasn't planning on staying." I turned and watched him walk away. I looked at Perrie and saw that she was crying. I went over to her and gave her a hug. We just stood there crying for what felt like hours. When we were done we went to the washroom and fixed ourselves up. As we walked around the park and waited in line for rides, we talked like nothing had happened. I think we both so badly wished it never happened, that it didn't, but it did. It was the shadow following us around all day. While we were waiting in an extra long line for the biggest roller coaster, we ran out of things to talk about. In the silence I felt more and more dread that she was going to ask until finally she did.

"So I don't mean to bug you but what did happen between you and Harry?" She avoided looking at me.

"It was Louis. During paintball we...he....kissed...I didn't want to and I wasn't expecting it..." I just had to stop myself before my voice cracked.

"Oh...I never... you should have said something..." She was in shock.

"I confessed to Harry and it didn't go so well. We haven't talked since last night. What is going to happen?"

"I think Louis might have just broken up One Direction...."


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