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The arena was out door and huge. It had little wood shacks, walls and blow-up things all over it. 

"Alright ladies, gentleman and Harry, this is the arena. We are going to play that if you get shot three times, you put your hand up and walk out. We are going to play three rounds. We play ten minutes a round. I just want you to guys to know that I will not accept crying. Just don't get shot, if you do its going to hurt like hell." Louis laughed and I looked at Harry biting my lip. I'm not a fast runner and I've never done this before so I'm really scared. The worse part is, Harry isn't on my team to protect me. But On my team I had: Louis, Perrie, Niall and me. That left Harry, Amy, Danielle, Zayn and Liam on the other team. I was scared out of my mind.

"Louis, does it actually hurt that bad? Is hard not to get shot?" I asked and that made Louis laugh again. 

"Yes it does hurt that much. But don't worry, if you stay with me you won't get hit. I promise." He smiled and led my over to one of the wood huts on our side. I felt a bit better.

When the game started, all hell broke loose. I peeked through a hole in one of the wooden walls and saw Danielle right in the open. I made sure no one noticed me, then I kneeled on thee side of the wall and her straight in between the eyes of her helmet. The shot shocked her so  much she tipped over, then got up fuming and walked out. After that it was only me, Louis, Amy and Zayn. I was in one of the wooden huts and I called Louis over. When he came he took of his helmet and laughed.

"You, of all people are still in it? Before we started you barely knew where the trigger on the gun was!" He laughed again as he ran his hand through a mess of hair.

"Keep laughing, I got Danielle out and was so close to getting Zayn...but anyway, whats the plan?" I asked as I took my helmet off.  He gave me a look. 

"I usually don't make a plan, I usually just run in and hope for the best. The only problem is, how can I trust you to watch my back? For all I know you might just hide in here and let me get shot-" He started.

"How can you not? I-" He then leaned over, put a hand on my cheek, and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. When he pulled away and smiled, I just sat there surprised and not sure what had just happened. 

"Now I know I can trust you. Alright?" he asked.

"Umm...OK, but what about Eleanor? I mean, isn't that...but...." I was at a lose for words.

"Well we are having some problems. But if you want me to tell Harry..."

"NO. No its OK." After that we amde a plan and ended up getting Amy, but the timer went out before we could get Zayn. I put what happened out of my mind and switched teams with Amy so I could stay with Harry.  it was alot of fun. My new team lost the next game but then last game we won. Danielle did cry, but she was the only one. After that, Louis wanted to treat us to dinner, but Liam took Danielle home and stayed with her. When me and the other girls went to the washroom to change. 

"God, Danielle is such a B****. Do you want to know what she said to me? 'Can you believe Alison? She aimed for my face! And then I saw her flirting with Niall, she can't settle with one so she probably is going after them all!What a S***t!' She said that  about you because she is jealous everyone likes you more than her." Amy said with a roll of her eyes as she fixed her make-up in the mirror.

"Shes been giving me dirty looks since She first saw me....I'm honestly not surprised she is talking crap behind my back."I said casually as I put on a bit of blush. Talking to them I felt like they were my close friends back in high school, gossiping about the school's mean girl. We chatted and got ready for a few more minutes then we went out to meet the boys, all who cleaned up nicely. Especially Harry and Louis. I can't believe I just thought that. After Louis payed we went out for dinner at some French place whose name I couldn't pronounce. When we sat down I sat with Perrie and Amy. When I got up to use the washroom someone grabbed my arm.

"What happened in the arena? And don't say nothing because I noticed how you switched teams and now your not sitting with Harry." Liam looked concerned. I felt I could trust him, I just hoped he wouldn't feel the need to do the right thing and tell Harry because I wasn't ready.

"I kissed Louis...well actually he kissed me but I'm too scared to say anything to Harry and Louis said he would but I don't believe him and I just-"

"Its alright Alison. We can work this out, but its still not OK what Louis did, but I think you should tell Harry soon before it becomes a big secret..." Liam sighed looking a bit stressed. But he shook it off and went back to the table smiling. I wonder what other secrets he is holding for others, he hides all of his thoughts behind that smile. I hope he can bear it.

Dinner went well. I did just what I did before and pretended nothing had happened. The only thing that did happen at dinner is the fact that Louis made Niall pay for his own meal because he got two extra sides and two desserts and probably could have gotten more but I guess he didn't want to seem like a pig. After dinner we went our separate ways. From the looks Perrie and Zayn were giving each other, they were having a sleepover. When I whispered that to HArry on the way to his place he laughed. 

At Harry's we both went to our separate rooms to change. I went quick and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" He called out. I went in to see him scrolling on his phone on his bed, so I sat next to him. He put his phone down and frowned, noticing my face.

"We need to talk. Who was here this morning? I heard you talking to someone." I said, avoiding eye contact. I felt guilt wash over me for eavesdropping.

"It was just Liam." He said looking innocent.

"Well it was important if he came so early. Please tell me what you were talking about." I begged looking into his deep emerald eyes.

"Well he just wanted me to step back a bit, if you know what I mean...he said that because Louis and Eleanor broke up a few weeks ago, he said that Lou might want to get to know you before me and you got too serious..." He trailed off.

"I think now might be the best time to tell you that in the first round of paintball, before I switched teams, in one of the wooden cabins...Louis and I kissed.." When I said that Harry look crushed. I could see tears start in his eyes. I could feel my own tears rolling down my cheek. 

"Harry, I don't-"

"Can I just be by myself right now?" He said his voice calm, but shaky.

"Yeah, sure. I underdstand, but just know I don't like him, I love you." With that I got up and walked towards the door, before I left I looked back and saw him just slumped there, tears sliding down his cheek, staring at nothing. 

I wen to my room quietly sobbing, hating Louis for ruining everything. I packed my bags, threw on a sweater and then in my yoga shorts, caught a cab and went Liam's.


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