The Study Date....Maybe?

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"Oh hey!" i said embarrassed

"Hahaha, hey." said Ethan while giggling.

"I am sorry about that, it's just that my brother owes Mc Donalds about $34." i said laughing

"Hahaha ok." said Ethan

"Come on in!" i said

Ethan walked in and we both walked up to my room. When we walked in, my dad was standing in my room waiting...

"AHHHHH! what the heck dad!" i said screaming

"I see your friend has came...." my dad said while he gave Ethan a look

"Ya dad, now can you please leave my room...." i said giving him a good stare

My dad walked out my room.

"Okay that was weird." Said Ethan While we walked to my bed

"Ya, my dad is just over protective when it comes to boys." I said as i sat on my chair and he sat on my bed.

"I can see..." said Ethan

A while later, we were almost done with our homework...

"Hey, can you help me with this last question?" Said Ethan

"Sure." i said while i got up and sat right by him

I explained how you would solve it.

"Thanks!" Said Ethan while he looked at me in the eyes. We felt close.....


"Why is your door locked?!" yelled my dad

"Sorry dad let me unlock it!" i yelled back

I got back up and unlocked the door for him.

"Yes, Dad?" i asked

"Nothing i am just checking on you guys..." my dad replies

"Ya, OK..." i said back while closing the door and locking it.

"Sorry about that." i told Ethan

"It's okay." he said while smiling.

I walked back to my chair and sat down to finish my last question.

"DING!" Ethan's phone rang

"Hey, i have to go, My mom wants me home." Said Ethan while he gets up and gets his stuff put together

"Oh, I am sorry..... was it my dad?" i whispered

"No, trust me it's not." He said while he walked closer to me and put his hand on my waist.

"Marie?" Asked Ethan

"Yes?" i said while i started to blush

"Do we have the mile run tomorrow?" he asked

"Uh, ya...." I said feeling disappointed

"Thanks!" he said smiling

We walked down stairs and went to the door...

"Thanks for letting me come over." Said Ethan

"No problem, anytime." i said back

"Soooo, Tomorrow?" asked Ethan

"Ya sure." i said smiling

Ethan walked even closer then before putting his hand on my cheek

"Do we have a math test tomorrow?" he asked

I giggled.....

Ethan POV

Marie giggled after my little joke....

I think it was time...

True Love (Ethan Dolan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora