Missing him was dark grey all alone

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The police had little luck tracking the stalker. Joe was going batshit crazy with the security systems, getting a guard at the front gate, Jojo staying home 24/7 being home schooled. He wouldn't even let a teacher on the property she had to do an online school. The only one besides Joe that was allowed in and out were his parents and my father.
          One Friday Joe came home for the weekend. "The police called me today" he said when he came in. "And??" I asked hoping for an answer. "They found her, but you'll never believe who it was." He said. I just waited for him to continue. "jojo why don't you go play princess" he said before continuing "it was my ex wife" "what?! Why would she--she asked you for a divorce." I said confused. "She found out you were pregnant and got jealous. They arrested her, she can't hurt you now babygirl" he said taking me into his arms.  Joe decided it was best to file for sole custody of Jojo. I never thought it would come down to this.
        Weeks had come and gone and now I was 5 months pregnant. We had recently found out I was having a girl. Joe was beyond happy to be having another girl. I wished he would just take a year off to stay home with us. He called me everynight but it just wasn't the same.

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