Fade into view...

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The next few weeks flew by. Roman won the championship at Mania. We were now a couple, although not everybody knew. Roman was going through a divorce, although he still flew home to spend time with his daughter. While he flew home to see her I would fly to see my father in New Jersey. It had been a few weeks since we lost mom in her long battle with cancer. It hurt to go home and realize she wasn't there. I spent as much time at home as I could, because I didn't want my dad to be alone.
On one particular Monday night we were walking into the arena holding hands when we heard "daddy!" behind us. Joe turned around and his daughter flew into his arms. "What are you---" Joe started. She handed him a note from her mother stating that she could no longer look after their daughter, and that she was now his responsibility. It took some time to adjust but we figured it out. Joe would no longer work shows on friday-sunday but spend them at his house in Florida with his daughter, while during the week she would stay with his parents so she could go to school for a proper education.
Not too soon after this arrangement was made Joe asked me to come with him. He brought me to his house, which he now lived in with his daughter alone. I had met his parents at Mania and we had gotten along great. One Saturday night at dinner Joe looked across the table at me, "So babe, how do you like it here?" Joe asked. "I love it, I mean it's not Jersey but I love it." i said laughing. "Well Jojo and I would like you to live here, with us" he said smiling at me. "I would love to!" I exclaimed with a smile. "But what about my---" he cut me off "dad? I've already talked to him about it, he agreed to move down here with us." He explained. This was great news. I had never felt so happy before. Things were finally coming together for me.

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