I gotta blank space baby...

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*Brittney's POV*
I couldn't believe that scumbag was making me send roses and a card to someone he was soon going to be sending divorce papers to. After sending the flowers and card, I realized I was done with his list. Getting curious I started to look around. Upon noticing a note for me coming out of his bag I went to reach it when a hand grabbed me. "Don't touch my shit" Joe said out of nowhere. "But it has my name on it, so I need to read it". I said back still trying to grab it. " fine but not until you are back in your hotel room" he said to me. "Now lets go, you're coming back with me this time. We are going to be spending lots of time together." He said with a smirk.
Driving back to the hotel I couldn't help but ask, "why are you getting divorced Joe?" "Because she doesn't care about us anymore, just about the money." he replied looking sad. I didn't notice until now how nice his jawline was, or how beautiful his eyes were.  Or the way his hair fell perfectly when he took it down from his ponytail. "Joe..." I said touching his hand. "It's fine, nothing you can do about it kid. Well we're here" he said as we pulled into the hotel. We got out of the car and walked to the elevator. As we got off on the same floor I noticed his room was next to mine. " welp, I'll see you tomorrow neighbor" I said with a yawn. "Goodnight, by the way Taylor still sucks!" He said closing the door to his room. As I sat on the bed I read the note he gave me. It was filled with the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. He compared my eyes to beautiful fields and talked about how beautiful he thought my pale skin was. I didn't even think about anything and walked over to the door. As I went to open it he was already standing there. "How did you..." I started "I knew you wouldn't waste anytime reading my note, can I come in?" He asked.
Joe and I sat up for hours talking about everything. About how he had feelings for me when I first started, to how a few weeks ago he felt those feelings return. We talked about how his wife didn't love him anymore, to how it would effect his daughter by them getting divorced. I looked at the clock and it was 1 am. "Holy shit dude, I'm beat. I gotta get some sleep Joe." I said yawning and walking into the bathroom to get my pjs on. "Ok I guess I'll just see you tomorrow" Joe said getting up to leave. "Or you could stay...." I heard myself say but still couldn't believe I said it.
The next morning I woke up to Joe cuddling me. It was one of the greatest nights I ever had with anyone. There was no sex involved just talking and cuddling until we fell asleep. I quietly got up not to wake Joe. I jumped in the shower and then got dressed for the day. Sweatpants and a tshirt, the only things I ever wore when I had no plans before an event. Tonight was the taping of Smackdown and Joe did not have to attend, he did not have a match. I got back into bed with Joe and he started to wake up. "Good morning beautiful" he said smiling at me. "Good morning to you handsome" I said back. "We aren't leaving this room all day" he said snuggling me back in. Just then Joe's phone went off. "Fuck it's my wife, I'll be right back" he said leaving the room. He returned a few moments later looking saddened. "Well?" I asked looking concerned. "She said she hated my flowers, and then she asked ME for the divorce. And she said she is not bringing my daughter to Mania because 'I'm tired of her living this life, goodbye Joe'" he said starting to tear up. I never saw this side of him before and I think I liked it. He was different than I remember him being. I held him while he cried.
After he has calmed down he looked at me. "You really are beautiful." He said as he grabbed my face to kiss me. I didn't know if I should kiss back of resist, given his circumstances. "Joe if this isn't going to mean anything to you tomorrow, I'm not interested" I said trying to push him away. "This will mean everything to me" he said pulling me back in kissing me harder. That's when things got interesting.
A few hours later I woke up with my head on Joe's chest. "That was amazing." He said kissing my forehead. "Mmmmhmmm" I agreed falling back to sleep. This is when things got interesting....

So it's gonna be forever...(Roman Reigns)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang