I scavenge in a couple cars not to away from my father and T-dog who are siphoning fuel.  I don't find to much, a couple of painkillers and an old pocket knife, I store the pocket knife in my waist band.

"Cherokee!" My dad harshly whispers at me to get my attention. I snap my head up at his voice and see gesturing me to come over to him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"C'mere." He lifts me up and puts me in a the back of a flat bed full of items useless to us. "Get to the back, and stay still."

That's when I notice it, I smell it first. Walkers a whole lot of 'em. I do as he says taking my crossbow off my back and laying down. I make sure the cross bow is loaded and press myself at the back.

My dad leaves me, making sure I can handle myself before finding somewhere to hide himself. T-dog staggers over, falling and I notice a huge gash on his arm a trail of blood is behind him as he crawls towards a car. A walker stumbles towards him and I'm about to shoot it when my dad creeps up behind it and stabs it in the head. I hear a sickening crunch and the walker is dead.

"Shh." My dad places finger to his lips and drags T-dog a little bit so he's laying down before placing the dead walker over him, masking T-dogs smell. He reaches in another car and pulls out a walker laying on top of him self and being extremely still. Several more walkers pass and my breath is shallow as I wait for the herd to pass.

My dad throws the walker off of him and checks on T-dog only moments after the last walker passes. I hear soft screams and I recognize them as Sophia's. There's nothing I can do. She's to far away from me.


Rick ran after her. Drew the walkers that where chasing her away. Saved her life, I hope.

Soon enough Dad, Shane and Glenn head off to find them. After a little bit, Shane and Glenn come back, telling us that Rick and my Dad are still searching.  I scavenge around some cars before Dale calls me back.

"You should keep a lookout." He tells me pointing to the top of the RV. "Maybe you can spot Sophia, or just see if the herd didn't wander off as far as we thought. Besides, you got the best aim with that thing right now."

"Okay," I say. "Maybe you guys could find some bolts if we're lucky."

"I'll be sure to keep a lookout." He says smiling.

"Thanks Dale." I smile before hopping on top of the RV. A pair of binoculars and a small folding chair rest on top of it.

I take a seat examining the woods. I see a rustle in the leaves and I bring my crossbow up. I see that it's some type of animal and I shoot it. Whatever it was falls dead to the ground.

"Hey Glenn?" I call out seeing he's fairly close to me. He looks up. "Can you go get that for me? I found some dinner."

He grimaces but retrieves it anyways. He holds outwards by the bolt and I laugh.

"Here you go," he says handing me the dead squirrel. Great now only if I could find a couple more of them no one would be to terribly hungry.

"Thanks." I smile and he climbs off of the RV, going back to work with Dale.

"Where's my gun?" Andrea asks Dale snootily. I scoff, she doesn't even know how to shoot.  "You have no right to take it."

"You don't need that just now, do you?" Dale asks keeping his cool.

"My father gave it to me." She says. "It's mine."

"I can hold onto it for you." Dale replies.

"Or you can give it back to me." Andrea counters.

Cherokee Roses {Daryl Dixon's Daughter}Where stories live. Discover now