Chapter 6: School

Start from the beginning

"But I wanna go to school today!" Nanami hisses. "Why are you so eager to go?" I interrupt. Nanami's eyes turn into stars.

"Because Kurama will be there today!!" she says. "What? You really want to meet that crappy guy?" I ask with a bored tone.
Yeah sure, he's a pop star known to be a
'fallen angel', and yeah, he's good looking, but his personality? No. I don't like him.

"He's not crappy, (Y/n)! How can you say that? He's gorgeous!" Nanami yell.
"Whatever you say," I smile.

* * *

Nanami and I stand in Nanami's class.
How I got here? I don't know, but I'm happy to have left the shrine.....and Tomoe. We begged him to let us go to school. At first he completely disagreed, until he got tired and let us go on the condition of Nanami wearing a hat, and me wearing a scarf to cover our marks. I feel sorry for Nanami, since her hat's bright pink with cat ears and a flower. It stands out too much.
My scarf in that case is very simple, and the best part is that it's (f/c).

Nanami sits down with an irritated expression.
I want to say something to her, but I get interrupted by an annoying and loud blonde guy.

"Hey, Momozono! What's with the hat?!" he roars. He begins to laugh, and some guys behind him join. Nanami doesn't answer. She just looks away.
Poor Nanami...

"Hey! Watch what you're saying!" I yell at him. He stops laughing and looks at me instead. "You're new, aren't ya'?" he asks.
"Yeah? What of it?" I answer with a cold voice. "You should know by now how much of a weirdo Momozono is," he snickers.
"She's not weird!" I say. The blonde looks at me, as if thinking what to say.
"If you don't think she's weird, you might as well be weird yourself!"

Excuse me?
I really want to punch this kid in the face. But I don't. I don't want to get into any trouble on my first day of school.
"Oh yeah, speaking of it, what's with the scarf? You're inside, and it's pretty hot."

Huh? It is?
As soon as he mentions how hot it is, I realize that I'm sweating a lot.

The blonde guy keeps on looking at me, awaiting my answer.
Crap! Make something up! Make something up!


"I'm very vulnerable to colds," I say without hesitation.
The blonde guy snickers and walks away after insulting Nanami one last time.
As he walks away, I notice black feathers and smoke fill the classroom.

"Kyaaaa! Kurama!" a group of girls scream. And as said, a tall, red brownish, grey eyed pop star walks into the class. Nanami stands up from her seat, so she can admire his looks.

For some reason I keep staring at him. Something's really weird about him, but what?
"Oh crud. He's coming this way..." Nanami mumbles beside me.
I snap out of my thoughts as soon as he stands in front of us. The girls stop fangirling. Nobody says anything. There's complete silence.

"Hey, you," Kurama says, glaring harshly at Nanami. "You're in my seat. Move it you annoying girl."
Nanami stares at him with tears in her eyes.
"Oh....o-okay. Sorry," Nanami apologizes while moving away from Kurama's seat, before running outside the class.

Kurama sits down as a few students laugh here and there as Nanami runs away.
I feel so angry! I don't care if he's a celebrity, I'm ready to throw him off the building.
No...I'm only mad at him, but all the others as well. They don't understand what kind of life Nanami and I are going through.
And they never will understand.

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