Settle Down

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 Everyone piles in the car and we all calmly wait 'till we reach our new homes. Everyone is talking about how excited they are and how much of  a big change this was for them, and I just stayed quiet watching them with one earphone in.

"Maya, you okay?" Lucas rests his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I say thinking about everything I would be leaving behind. My mom, Shawn, Billy, Missy, Rebel, Josh, Topanga, Corey, Jackson, Zach. The list goes on and on and on, and I can't help but mourn the loss of my old life.

It wasn't the best but, I appreciated it. And I'm really going to miss it.

"You're not, but I won't pry." Lucas quietly says to me before returning to his conversation and  I can't help but  smile because he understands me so well.

Andrew is asleep quietly on my stomach, which I'm convinced he sees more as a pillow than a little brother or sister.

I put in my other headphone and watch the road go by as we get closer and closer to our new life.

. . .

Ten minutes later, Lucas taps my thigh to wake me up. We're at our house, It's not to far from Pappy Joe's house or Riley and Farkles and even Zay is near by. Small town, word must get around quickly here. So different from New York already and I haven't even left the car.

Lucas helps me out of the car as I hold Andrew, carefully we all exit the car and marvel this huge house.

Riley and Farkle waste no time to rush to their house with Ally, and settle in with the little we brought. Zach's uncle was bringing the rest with him on a train for us, he was also bringing Zach and Jackson but they couldn't stay. They were going to help us out and stay for maybe a day or two before they went back New York.

I can't wait for them to arrive tomorrow.

I begin to walk to the house with Andrew still asleep on my chest, as Lucas went to grab the bags. This is a precious day. It really is, and let me tell you, I can't wait to push this baby out so I could have some real fun without being overly cautious.

I walk inside the house and it looks like Pappy Joe had already set up some things, there was a Tv, mounted on the wall and a small couch and recliner. The walls were plain white and the floors had carpet the color of my eyes. I smile at the house and then put Andrew down on the couch, before i start to explore further.

I walk to the left of the living room through a small opening and into the awesome kitchen, It had a small island, a baby chair another small tv, a fridge and stove. All the silver wear and all of the chairs and such were on their way over. I exited the kitchen and crossed the living room again to walk up the wooden stairs to the second and final floor of the house, there were five rooms, although we only needed three. Maybe one could be a playroom and another could be a tv room. Not much need for anything else.

"Maya?!" I hear Lucas call from downstairs, And I shut my eyes tight because I know that he just woke Andrew, and the crying would start any second now.

And as if on que Andrew begins to whine and I go back to the stairs and walk down to get my little baby Andrew.

And when I get to him I see the most precious thing I've seen all day, and That would be my husband cradling my son on the ouch, hushing him back to sleep, and all I can do Is stand and watch it unfold before my eyes, because I want the moment to last forever and ever, and I didn't want to make it cut short.

I walk over to him and kiss him softly on his cheek, and then go back to walking around our temporarily empty house.

Lucas lies Andrew down on the couch and walks over to me and holds my hand, as we search through the house together, like we should be.

"Maya?" I hear a soft whisper coming from Riley.

"Hey, Riles. Didn't hear you enter." I say quietly, before turning to Lucas.

He has a stone look on his face, I suppose he never really forgave her, since the week at the reunion. I don't blame him. It was ugly. Real ugly.

"Lucas can I speak to you a moment." She asks and when I don't move she asserts herself by saying:

"Alone." With a tight smile as she darts her eyes between my husband and I.

I'm caught a little off- guard, because she always tells me everything; I don't get why I have to leave, but I make way for the door, resting my hand on my stomach softly.

And just as I step over the last tile of the kitchen, Lucas grabs my hand and pulls me back into his chest and speaks directly.

"If you have something to say to me, Clutterbucket-" I elbow him in his rib at the mention of my name.

"-I meant Maya. Maya can hear it too." He says as I nod my head.

"Well never mind then." She says turning around and leaving the house with the soft close of our door.

Well, that was awkward.

"What was that about?" I turn and ask Lucas.

"I don't know." He says staring at the door blankly.

"Okay then." I say kissing the underside of his Jaw.

. . .

WTF I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry this is out late, something came up (School drama bullshit) that I had to deal with oops.




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