The whole club gasped as the football team shot surprised looks at Nick. Joe looked ashamed with a tinge of anger, he then shot a look at me but then focused back on Nick. Oh god, they know. 

"Wait, Nick? You're in the gay club?" Joe asked, earning a dirty look from Mr. Schue.

Nick started to play with his notebook, acting as if he didn't hear a word Joe said. Joe knocked the notebook out of his hand. Mr. Schue and Beiste went closer to the boys, just in case a fight broke out.


I rolled my eyes, "It's funny how you call us 'gay' but yet you haven't had a girlfriend since Freshman year, Joe." 

The club laughed openly, even some football players snickered. Wait, did I say that out loud? Joe stood up casually, making all the laughter in the room stop. Finn grabbed my hand in a protective manner. Joe then went from casual walking around the room, to running full Nick?! He tipped over the boy's chair and was about to punch him only to be stopped by Finn and Sam. Soon enough, every one on the glee club and football team ran to attack. Mr. Schue and Beiste stood in the middle of the mobs, stopping them from mulling each other. 

I stayed in my seat, hands clenched to my chair. This was going to be a long week. 


"What the hell was that?!"

Joe barged into my room that night, anger burning in his eyes. I looked up from my math homework, wishing that I locked the door. The one time I don't lock the door...

"You completely embarrassed me!"

I embarrassed HIM? I can't take it anymore. I threw down my pencil and stood up, Joe took a half step back. 

"I embarrassed you?! Joe, you bully me everyday. You throw slushies in my face everyday, make fun of what I love to do, and you chased away Kurt, my best friend. Do you understand how much it hurt to know that MY BROTHER did that to him?! You RUINED my LIFE. Don't you dare say that I am ruining yours, try going to school everyday wondering what your own sibling will do to you?" I wiped a stray tear, "I have homework to finish." I sat back down.

Joe slowly backed up. For the first time, Joe looked...hurt. I pretended that I didn't notice as I started to solve for X. I heard the door shut behind me as I put my head in my hands and started to cry. What have I done?


No P.O.V.

Nick jumped at the sound of the showers turning off in the locker room. He didn't want the team to see him...or even talk to him. Since they found out he was in glee, they just didn't treat him the same, especially Joe. His brother would usually have his back on the field, but today he just let the guys push him around during the scrimmage.

 Nick quickly changed out of his uniform and back into his school clothes, hoping to miss Joe and the team. Just as he was about to head out-


Nick stopped in mid step then turned around. Joe stood in only jeans as the rest of the team shot him death looks. 

"We all need to talk to you."

He stifled a sigh as he put his bag down on a bench. "About what?" He said clueless.

Joe wasn't taking it, not after discovering his little brother was in the GLEE CLUB. He slammed his fist against a locker in frustration, making Nick jump back and gaining the interest of the entire team.

"Cut the crap, Nick!" Joe yelled, "It's bad enough we're in that freaking Gay Club for a week, but then I find out that you're actually in IT?! Why the hell would you join that loser club?!" 

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