"I asked your father to tell you to stop behaving like an idiot. Going out and studying. Writing stupid articles. He said he won't. He said he will support his daughter until he dies. So he had to die."

Durga left his collar. She looked at him for some minutes and said, "Why?"

"Because of your father you had mustered lots of courage. When the support system is lost what will you do?" said Indrajeet with an evil laugh.

Durga turned away when she felt her phone was snatched. She saw her empty hand, then she heard a sound. Her mobile phone was shattered into pieces. She looked at Indrajeet.

Indrajeet came near her and asked, "You decided to drug me, record my statements and put me behind bars? No Durga. You were mistaken. I am an alcohol addict. This is nothing."

"What have I? Why do you torture me like this?" asked Durga. Today she needed answers.

"You want to know? Then listen. Because of the accident, you can never bear a child."


"Your father hid this fact from me."

Durga knitted her eyebrows and said, "Mr. Indrajeet Rao, you were driving the car under the influence of alcohol. You had banged my head against the pole. You ran the car to the divider. Otherwise I would have driven the car."

"You would have driven the car? This is not your Appa's house. This is my house. Indrajeet Rao's house."

"When will you change your thinking?"

"When will you stop questioning your husband?"

"Don't use your authority. I am not a thing."

" WHAT DID YOU SAY?" shouted Indrajeet. He slapped her. Her ear started bleeding. He took the keys and left the home.

That night Durga was ready with the papers. She had planned everything. Indrajeet came home, drunken. He sat on the sofa. Durga came to him and said, "Indrajeet I have realised my mistake. These are the property papers. I have decided to give the power of attorney to you."

"Are you serious Durga?"

" Yes. I am. I realised that since you are my husband I should always respect you. Listen to you, no matter whatever the decision is."

Indrajeet smiled and puffed his chest. He took the papers and signed on it. He went to the room and slept off the bed.

Durga smiled and thought, I never thought fooling this idiot will be so easy. Sometimes alcohol has its own advantages.

The next day...

Indrajeet woke up holding his head. He saw a slender hand had a medicine and a glass of water. He took it from her and gulped the medicine. Durga looked at him crossing her arms.

"Feeling better?"

"Yes Durga. I am feeling better. Why are so happy today?"

"That is because I have filed for divorce. Very soon the court orders will come. I will leave the house." she said and went back to her packing.

"Filed for a divorce? Without my signature?" asked Indrajeet getting out from the bed.

"You signed it yesterday. When you were under the influence of alcohol."

Indrajeet slowly walked towards Durga. Durga, who was sitting on the floor packing her bag, got up.

" You... you took my signature? How did you?" asked Indrajeet. He broke the glass on the floor. He raised to slap Durga when Durga stopped his blow. Indrajeet looked at her with his eyes nearly popping out from his sockets. Durga slapped him with other her hand.

"Mrs.Durga Rao! How dare you?" asked Indrajeet.

"INDRAJEET! How dare you raise your hand? You can call Mr.Narayan Rao. My lawyer. Looking after our divorce case. Our relative. Do you remember him? Of course not. When you had started drinking they broke the relation from you. But when I discovered it, I thought you will leave drinking. That is because I TRUSTED YOU. Do you understand the meaning of trust?"

Indrajeet stepped back and he accidentally stepped on the glass pieces. He groaned in pain, "Durga help me."

"Okay." Durga went to the wardrobe and took out first aid box. She handed over the box to Indrajeet and said, "This box was my best friend for five years. I hope it will also serve as your best friend."

"DURGA! YOU CAN'T DO THIS. I won't let you live peacefully." snarled Indrajeet.

"Do you watch daily soaps? Then why are you giving me such idiotic threats. First learn to stand on your feet. Physically and financially."

Indrajeet left the house limping, without even dressing it.

Durga woke up. This time she found some energy dwelling inside her. She got up and washed her face. She collected the newspaper from the doorstep. She read an advertisement, a job in 'Discovering India's Heritage'. An archaeologist was needed. Walk-in interview.

Maybe I can try my luck here...


Thank you for reading.

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